Thursday, October 26, 2023

Missing clothes

All day yesterday I started feeling like my sinus's were bothering me again. I didn't sleep very good last night with my face and teeth hurting. A new cold/virus/Covid still/again? Annoying.

We ended up with a few inches of snow, pretty wet stuff that has stayed on the trees, roof and grass, but the pavement is bare. 22 degrees right now with the high today is only 31. I need to get my chickens water heater base plugged in. I will just leave it plugged in for the rest of the winter, now. There is no more snow predicted for the next week or so.

We will have to go to the city sometime in the next week to pick up something dh ordered and they will let him know when it's in. I guess he also has a gift card to Harbor Freight he's never used (I'm usually on top of what gift cards he needs to use) so we will stop there and also stop at Walgreens and get our passport photos done. I'm going to double check this gift card because I know we've been in Harbor Freight in the past few months and bought stuff. He must have forgotten to bring the gift card that visit is all I can think.

oh good grief. So several weeks ago I ordered a sweater and long sleeve top for my mom from Blair. It took a week or so to get here and I got it but hadn't opened the package yet. Then I forgot to open and take the items with me last Sunday. So, I just opened it and only the top is in the package, and it shows both items were supposed to be in package. Finally, I got through to a customer service person and they are resending the sweater. Then, speak of the devil, I get a call from the memory care coordinator that my mom has no sweaters and could use some more jeans. I did tell her that I had brought at least 2 sweaters for my mom and a fleece jacket - all of which are missing now. I said one sweater was navy blue and light weight and the other was white and heavier. She said oh ya, I do recall her wearing a white sweater.

And I can't remember what size jeans she has and apparently I never created an account with Blair for the past orders, so I can't look to see what size I ordered before. I've emailed the m/c coordinator back to ask her to check her pants for the size tag. And I've found these same jeans much cheaper at JCP, so I'm just going to order everything (long sleeve tops, cardigan sweater, winter jacket, and jeans) from JCP, as soon as I get the pants size. I want to say size 18, but if the m/c coordinator can verify for me, that would be best. I remember my neighbor said when she had her mom at this memory care, her only issue was missing clothes, all the time.


  1. My county has the new property tax bills online. Not sure if all counties do. Mine went up about 11%. My value went up almost 50% so that’s not too bad.


    1. My county doesn't have the tax bills online yet. Not surprised, LOL. 11% isn't too bad. I have a feeling my county will be more, but maybe I'll be surprised.

  2. With the state not lowering their mils down I didn’t know what to expect. I’m ok with the increase. The things our taxes go for are needed services, even if we don’t reap the benefit from a lot of it. My county is pretty fiscally responsible for the most part. I can’t imagine what the taxes are going to be like in Bozeman.


    1. is your county of of the ones who are sending the state less mills, even though the state won't lower it? Our's voted to do that, but on the flip side, a lot of the spending I've seen in our county they aren't the most fiscally responsible, so it won't surprise me if they have raised it all as much as they can,

  3. No it isn’t. That kind of surprised me. My guess is they won’t win so I suppose they figured why spend the money to fight it.

  4. I’m having a little giggle here, reading the comments that are about taxes- apparently not all your readers find it a boring subject!😅 (I don’t mind the subject or the comments one bit, just to be clear!) I really just wanted to comment to suggest name labels for your mom’s clothing.. but you may have that in place already, to no avail? You’re taking such good care of her❤️

    1. It makes me laugh too ;) The m/c has us use a permanent sharpie marker to put her initials on their clothing (on the tag, when possible), which we did. I'm not sure how to combat the clothes going missing. From what I've read from other people who's loved on is in m/c, this is very common because the residents wander into each others rooms and take stuff.

    2. It doesn't make sense to me that they wouldn't find the clothing and return them to the proper person when they do laundry? If not, then what is the purpose of writing initials?

    3. Alice - I agree, they should be taking the time to look at the initials to see if things need to be put back to the right owner.

  5. I went in to visit my aunt when she was in memory care (my two sisters and I rotated so that someone was there pretty much every day). My aunt was wearing "new" glasses. I knew that we hadn't arranged anything for her - didn't take long to figure out that the caregiver had swapped her glasses with her roommate...

    If you buy mesh laundry bags, would that help with the missing clothes? Maybe one for dark clothes and one for whites?

    1. Hi, can you elaborate on how mesh laundry bags would work in m/c? The staff does her laundry, so it's either getting lost during that or other residents are taking (which is very common from what I understand). At this point I even doubt it's my mom who gets her worn clothes into her hamper

    2. I was just thinking that if you asked the people who do the laundry to keep your Mom's clothes IN the mesh bags while laundering, they'll all be returned. I guess I didn't think it thru - they probably wouldn't get as clean if the bags are too full.

    3. ya, that probably wouldn't get them clean enough. Plus, I have a feeling the items are missing more from "theft" than them getting laundry mixed up.

  6. Practical Parsimony
    That would annoy me to no end if my clothes were missing, but maybe I would not know if I were in mc. What would happen if a person did not have a daughter to replace clothing? Maybe they can search for a white sweater somewhere in the facility.

    1. My mom has no clue what clothes she has and what's hers. I have even seen a couple items in her closet that I know aren't hers, so I'm assuming some of her stuff is in other's closet. The m/c coordinator said she will look for the white sweater. I assume each resident in m/c has someone who is considered the guardian, to handle things like I am. Someone has to pay their bill, be the person they call if there is a medical issue, etc.

  7. I think my mom's clothes were ok in the care home but my dad's clothes routinely went missing in the Alzheimer's home. Not that he cared, I guess, but when you try to keep them looking clean and nice it is frustrating!

    1. it is frustrating, because I moved her in there last February, so of course she had sweaters with her. More than likely she had one on the day we moved her in!

  8. Are you putting your mom's name in her clothing before you take it in? I would think if you are, the facility would be responsible for finding the missing pieces. They are doing the laundry and are reponsible for returning it to the proper resident. (At least that's the way it is here). I know my mom had a couple of pairs of SAS shoes that went "missing". I am sure the staff slipped those out ..

    1. Yes, the m/c move in "instructions" say to mark in sharpie their initials on the tag/clothing. I'm guessing her winter jacket was never even likely taken out by some other resident. Once I restock her missing items (and mark them!) if they go missing again, I'm going to put up a bit of a fuss for them to find them

  9. I am sure her sweaters are in someone else's closet in there - or what if she threw them away just because ... ? Super frustrating but hard to keep track of I think.

    1. I looked in "hiding" spots in her room, but didn't find them. Once I get her these new sweaters and winter coat, if they go missing again, I'm going to tell them they need to find them. I"m also going to try to be more diligent about taking a look in her closet more regularly for these items.

  10. We put iron on tags on the sleeves of all my father’s clothes Much easier to identify as needed. The number of times we walked in and saw dads name was insane but git much better when the cnas realized his name was right there and could be seen Ewe ordered tgen from etsy
