Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Accounts closed and maybe closed?

Not much new happening in my world. It's getting colder. This mornings temp was 33. Chance of snow mid next week.  Dh thinks he probably has one more mow to do and then he can do his annual maintenance on the lawn mowers and put them away for the season.

I did get email notification that the old checking and savings I closed of my mom's has now been officially closed. So, now I can have that off my list of things to be overseeing. So, now she just has one local checking/savings and her investment account. When I moved her here she had her checking and savings, and a savings and CD through a credit union, her investment account and then I had to open her a local checking and savings. So now we are just down to the 3 accounts to manage.

So, not too long ago I canceled my paypal debit cards (in each our names) and it showed as removed from when I log into paypal. Well, today I just get in the mail a replacement debit card! What the heck? are they just trying to get me to use one again, hoping I'll activate it? Annoying.  One more thing I have to waste my time on figuring out.

Our property tax bills will go out in the mail (or can get online, which I am signed up for) in a couple of weeks. (OH NO! She's talking about property taxes again! Call the blogger police!). It will be interesting to see how much they go up. Our little weekly newspaper is horrible about giving out any updates or things that were decided in council meetings, but apparently the county did vote (2 to 1) to join in with a lot of the other counties, to basically short the state their state schools mill tax amount. The counties all have to adjust their mills down, but the state's mill is, for some reason, a set amount, so many counties are trying to get the state to adjust it's mills down, like all the counties are doing. The governor and attorney general are refusing, so the counties are apparently just going to short pay the state! (I think it's about a 20% short pay). The governor is now suing the counties. Or I guess they are suing ONE county....I think they picked the county they think they have the best chance at prevailing. It will be interesting to see how it all shakes out. These massive property appraisal increases throughout the state has kind of thrown everyone for a loop.

I'm tired today. It's just after lunch and I'm feeling so sleepy now. I haven't taken a lunch break yet, maybe I'll take one and take a nap.


  1. I wrote a post a while back about how I regret not being creative but am so glad I'm organized. It certainly pays to keep on top of things doesn't it!

    1. When I was young and in school, I thought I was creative. I tried to be creative. Then I realized I am not and I'm an accountant. LOL.
