Thursday, October 12, 2023

Where is this week going?

Not a whole lot to update for yesterday or even the day before. I worked, I made dinner, LOL. Tuesday night was hamburgers, last night was scrambled eggs. I find, the older I get, the simpler I'm making dinner meals, most nights. I just don't feel like making a full on dish or casserole as often. 

My mom's checking account has me so confused this morning! She's has a bit of a cushion, so I decided to transfer some of it into a savings account that pays good interest and let it sit there awhile, at least earning something extra, until she needs it. I processed the transaction online to the savings account. It usually takes about 4 days to post. Yesterday I saw it taken out of her checking and in the savings (different bank) it was showing as pending (this is normal). This morning I log in to both. It's still showing as pending (again normal, until it gets through the process) but the withdrawal is now not showing in her checking, BUT her balance is reduced by that amount. ok....but the even weirder part is her daily balance going back to at least last August is reflecting less this amount. In fact, in early Sept her balance is showing she went in to the negative (she did not). I went back to her actual August statement and compared the ending balance to what it is showing online for the end of August. Exactly the difference of what I just set up a few days ago to be transferred. What in the world? This makes no sense. I went back to her statement balance at the beginning of this year -the online balance is showing less the exact amount of what I am trying to move to this savings account. I'm sure it will all clear up once the transaction is processed, but just weird. It gave me a bit of a heart attack at first, thinking wait a minute - Did I calculate her available balance to move to savings wrong?!

Accounts all over seem to be whacky this week. First the deal with the debit card. Then I get a bill in the mail for dh's blood test - from a year ago! They didn't bill insurance until the end of August and I'm just now getting the bill. And in yesterdays mail was a monthly statement for our electric bill - which I am set up on for paperless. I log in this morning and it's still showing as set up for paperless. No idea why they mailed a statement (plus I'm on auto pay). I don't have time for all this nonsense! LOL.

Has anyone ever tried the shelf stable boxed milks? I didn't even know such a thing existed. I was watching a little video that mentioned/showed it (good items to have on hand in your pantry). I'm always running out of milk and for some reason I can't explain, I never even buy enough to get some frozen to have on hand when I run out. I thought maybe this is a good thing to put in the pantry to have on hand. If nothing else, I could use it in baking if I'm out of milk. At least have it, to get me by, until my next shopping trip and I can stock up on regular milk again. I do have some powdered milk in the pantry. I can't drink that stuff. I tried. 

Powdered milk reminds me of my jr high/high school best friend. They were well off...her dad was a CPA, her mom a stay at home, they lived on a golf course...and only had powdered milk. That was the worst stuff to drink or have in your cereal, LOL. I'm sure they were all used to it, but whenever I ate there/stayed overnight, it was not milk to me.


  1. I’ve bought that shelf stable milk. Dh told me tasted weird, but he did drink it. It would be fine for cooking. I have started buying organic milk. The dates are so far out that I can buy a couple with no worry of it going bad. Example-I bought a couple gallons 2 or 3 weeks ago and they date on them is in December. The dates on the cartons (not plastic jugs) of darigold regular milk, not just organic, are also very good so I can get several of them too. Dh is the only milk drinker, and he goes in spurts where he drinks a lot, and then none. These options are more. Expensive, but it makes keeping milk in the house much easier.


    1. I am the milk drinker in my house. I have been buying organic too, as I really like the long dates, but I still often end up running out before the next shopping trip. Since I typically shop every 2 weeks (sometimes even a bit longer) I can only fit so much milk in my fridge and usually end up running out before the next trip. DH likes the premade chocolate milk but it's in spurts. I'll buy a gallon and he hardly drinks and then the next time he goes through it fast and we're out.

    2. My Dh likes chocolate milk too so I bought him 2 half gallons last week on sale when I was in idaho. He’s barely drank any so now we have those plus 2 gallons and one half gallon of milk in the fridge lol. My fridge is big and there’s never much in it so space isn’t really an issue for us, but it would have been with my old one, and when the kids were here.


  2. I do buy boxed milk. I like to have it on the shelf in case I run out of regular milk. I use it for cooking and I use it on cereal. I don't like to just drink it but it is fine for cereal. Also if there is a storm I am not the one running to the store for milk. I just bought some at Dollar Tree with exp date in August 2024r

  3. I am Canadian like your sister - I buy bagged milk, lol! But in Trinidad we sometimes used powdered milk - I loved to eat it right out of the bag, cannot recall what it was like once liquid. We drink tea and coffee every day and have cereals etc and use lots of milk!

    1. I have never seen bagged milk before!

    2. It's three separate plastic bags of milk in one plastic bag. We just started to freeze it so we can store more. You get special milk jugs that can hold the plastic bag, haha!

    3. Interesting! We are all just one gallon plastic jugs, or half gallon in plastic jugs or cartons (like a waxed cardboard haha) here in the stores, at least that I have ever seen.

  4. I despise milk, and part of that might be because we only had powdered growing up. Of course, my upbringing wasn't Americanized, so milk wasn't used as a beverage itself. It was used for cooking, coffee, or to put on cereal if we had it in the house. If I drank milk, it was with my school lunch, if I bought a lunch. I do buy milk as DH likes it on oatmeal, and I cook with it. I also have a kid who likes the odd glass of milk. DH seems to think no milk in the refrigerator is a cause to drop everything and run to town to get some. I disagree. That said, if you DO try shelf stable milk, let me know how it is. I've tried shelf stable orange juice because it was dirt cheap on closeout, and I thought I could save it for Christmas mimosas. A kid opened it before that, however, and said while it wasn't bad, it did have a different taste, and that it would probably have been better saved for the mimosas!

    1. I've always loved milk. I drink about a glass and a half a day. I drink it mixed with (sugar free) chocolate carnation instant breakfast (pretty much my daily breakfast since jr high! LOL) and then usually a half a glass with dinner.

  5. On a different tack, my grownup children drink Oat Milk. Apparently it can be shelf stored for ages and tastes good too.

    1. I've never tried Oat milk before. I think the only other type I have bought before was almond milk, for smoothies.

  6. I buy boxed milk often, if served cold, right out of the fridge it tastes fine to me. I stocked up when everything was shut down during covid. Had grandbabies here and none of them had any issues with it. There are usually only two of us here too, and times between shopping I've run out of regular and its nice to just open up a box. I also have oat milk on hand as a daughter in law is lactose intolerant, she loves it. they even make pumpkin spice coffee creamer with the oat milk...I say blech, but she's a fan!
