Monday, October 9, 2023

Monday again

I think I've figured out what to get dd for her birthday. She fell in love with the highland cows in Scotland, LOL. And she loves to do puzzles, so I've found some puzzles on Amazon of highland cows, so I will get her one of those, and likely add a couple of books to read, too.

I haven't been able to get a hold of my mom on her phone in the past week. At first I thought it was just bad timing, as she's not in her room that much, as she is out of it. But, then my uncle called last night that he keeps trying her (and he typically calls evening, when she is more likely to be there). I emailed the m/c coordinator this morning to ask if they could take a look at her phone, when they have time and see if it's working. In the past, when she unplugged it, it wouldn't ring, it would go straight to a message saying the party you've reached has not set up voicemail, but now it just rings 5 or 6 times and then that message. I had also gotten an email last week that they were doing Covid boosters and flu shots later this month and would be contacting family members for consent, so I let her know she has my consent for that, too. 

I just got a reply back from the m/c coordinator that she will have someone look at mom's phone and have her give me a call. She said she is doing well and participating in a lot of activities. She did say they have had a couple of m/c residents who got covid, but that they have precautions in place for the other residents...not sure how that works, when the staff is all about to everyone, but it is what it is and obviously they can only do so much. Hopefully the vaccine and boosters she's already had, do their job, for her and the rest of the residents.

Well, it's already about time for lunch. I'm hungry, (usually I'm not very lunch hungry) but not sure what sounds good. 

And one more thing - mystery solved with mom's phone - she had put the phone inside the drawer of the little dresser stand her phone sits on top of, LOL.


  1. LOL at the phone mystery. Honestly, never a dull moment! I am glad the m/c place seems to be on the ball in terms of protecting the residents, and I am glad your mom is able to live in comfort. It brings you a little comfort too!

    1. She's been there a little over 8 months already and I'm very happy with her care there.

  2. When we were in Scotland, I, too, fell in love with the HIghland coos. We were fortunate enough to be able to hand feed a couple while we were there. You have to stay alert and away from those horns. She will love your gift. I have a pillow with the picture of a Highland coo on it and it makes me long for Scotland every time I look at it. Ranee (MN)

    1. when she was messaging us some pics during the trip she said "these are pronounced "hielan coos" LOL.
