Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Cruise planning and apple pie

One of the items I want/need for our cruise next year is a small crossbody bag type purse. I'm not a purse aficionado at all. I usually only have one purse at a time and currently my purse is a big tote type. Not what I would want to carry on a vacation.  I know dd said she bought one for her trip and she just sent me the Amazon link and it's currently like 42% off, for $20. It has exactly what I want: several pockets and slots for some cards. Lots of colors to choose from. It was really hard to decide what color! I've had free prime for the past 2 months and apparently have $7.54 earned from cash back on my Amazon card. I still have free prime for another week or so, so putting the purchase on that card saves another 5%, plus if I choose non-2 day delivery, I get another 1% back. So, this little purse ended up costing me $12.50. Good deal. Especially compared the the $159 cute one that keeps popping up in my Facebook feed, because I looked at it once (but then saw the price and was like naw....). The good thing is I have lots of time to shop and search for good prices and save money.

Another thing I want for the trip is some small lightweight binoculars. We do have a pair that are small,  but I have a feeling we will both want a pair while trying to look at scenery or wildlife, rather than waiting for each other to get done, LOL. Reading several "what to take on your (Alaskan) cruise" blogs there were some small binoculars recommended on Amazon. Regular $35 on sale for $21, so I ordered those, too. I'm saving things to possibly purchase to a folder and will watch prices going forward.

I did sign up for the Royal Caribbean Visa card, so as soon as that arrives in the mail, I'll start using that for all my purchases for this next year, LOL. I have to charge $1000 to earn the $250 on board credit and then all purchases after that will earn a point for every dollar spent and can then use those points to spend on the cruise. Basically 1%.....but a smarter thing to do would be to just do the $1000 charge to earn the $250 (because that's a good deal at 25% reward) and then just keep using my 2% cash back card (or my Walmart 5% cash back on Walmart purchases) I always use and just start taking that cash back to save towards the trip. Then I'll have double the money! Ok, that's a no brainer, I guess. Sometimes talking (or writing) yourself through it, makes it make more sense!

We are finally having a sunny day, after a couple of weeks of daily clouds and/or rain. Only 62 degrees, but at least nice out. I used up the last of my milk this morning, so I may run into town this afternoon to get a few groceries. Otherwise I'll have to tough it out until Saturday, when I go pick up a Walmart order. I like milk, LOL. Plus, if I go in later this afternoon, I can pick up some baked chicken or something for dinner from the deli. This little grocery store has a really nice little deli dept with good food.

I'm craving an apple pie. I have no desire to make an apple pie from scratch LOL, so I'll just cheat and put on my grocery list the frozen pie crusts and canned apple pie filling.


  1. Why don't you just borrow daughter's purse & if they have binoculars, those, too. Silly to buy things you'll only use once in a blue moon. We do that often within our family - not often we are using what someone wants to borrow. That will keep you from spending much at all!

    1. I think it will definitely be a purse I use and for $12 I'm good with that cost. I'm tired of the big tote bag and most often when I got to a store, I end up leaving the bag in my car and just taking my wallet in, LOL. DD doesn't have any binoculars I can borrow. I think the small binoculars will also get used. Living where we do and all the wildlife, we always seem to be waiting on the other person to share the binoculars :) We can leave them in the pickup to have on hand when we are out driving around.

  2. I confess, I quite enjoy some pre trip shopping, LOL! I hope this encourages you to travel more :) You're already getting deals and figuring out how to save etc, big win! Funny enough, my mom and I have a shared backpack we use for travel, lol! But a purse is different - and you can use it year round, or on your short work trips/travel trips only too.

  3. I think having a purse that is smaller will be just the thing for you. I bought binoculars that are too heavy. I had no idea when I bought them that weight would be an issue. Next post, can you put a link to it?
    Since you have so much time to plan, you can maximize your savings of money to spend on the trip. It is fun to plan.

  4. Hi Meg - I've been kind of wondering where you were! I was about to email you to make sure you were ok :) Ya.....I was just going along, blogging as always, when $H^% hit the fan. We can't make everyone happy, I guess. And yes, I'll just keep writing what I want to write about.
