Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Holidays and coffee

I knew dd and sil wouldn't be coming over for Christmas this year, but I wasn't sure about Thanksgiving. I couldn't even remember what we did last Thanksgiving - if they were here or not....I had to go back to my blog posts from last year to see that they were not. I messaged her to ask about Thanksgiving and she said yes, they were planning to come Thanksgiving this year (and not Christmas, as I had figured), but that they think they will also try to come like the weekend before or after Christmas for a quick visit, too. That will be nice. New Years would be nice to have them over. She said they'll look at the calendar tonight and figure it out. I'm kind of surprised they want to come over again in December, since they'll be here Thanksgiving, but I'm not going to complain!

I won't be having my mom here to stay overnight during holidays, anymore. And to just have her here for the day would take most of the day to go pick her up, bring her back, and take her home and drive back home on the same day. Not what I want to spend a holiday doing, especially when trying to cook a big meal the same day. We'll likely all just go in the day after Thanksgiving to see her. Since it will just be me and dh on Christmas, we'll probably go in on Christmas eve to see her, as I still plan to make a nice dinner for us on Christmas Day. 

I finally got to talk to my mom after lunch yesterday and she sounded good,  though in that frame of mind where she's just staying at this place for awhile longer. She said she has her "other place" and it's "upstairs". I'm guessing she is thinking of her apartment at the previous place, as that was upstairs, on the 3r floor. But, then she said "I don't know why I'd want to go back to my other place, though, this place is really nice and I like my room" LOL. Then an hour later she called me, haha. Back to normal :)

DAN is back today, it sounds like with a chainsaw this time. Still a mystery! His house has been back on the market for 30 days with no sale. Other than the 2 months he took it off, it has now been for sale for 2 years. That's a very long time in this market the past few years. 

What's everyone's favorite coffee - if you use ground coffee (not k-cups)? I've been using the Walmart brand medium roast. It's cheap, but I also don't want to try something super expensive, either. I don' like the flavored coffees (FYI)



  1. Folgers Black Silk is our favorite!

  2. We found that my MIL (who had dementia) just got too disoriented by a trip outside her facility after a while. I think your plans to visit her and work it in around your holiday at home sound perfect.

    1. same for my mom. It just seems better all around to keep her where she is familiar and comfortable.

  3. Coffee is my morning pleasure - so I don't skimp. We usually drink Folgers, and I do stock up on it when it goes on sale (usually about 10 cans!!).

  4. I guess I just find maxwell house best. I’m not a coffee snob, I add cinnamon to the grounds and add sugar and milk or creamer if I have it. My taste buds aren’t refined enough to know better lol! Best, Liz

    1. I'm not a coffee snob either and just add sugar and vanilla creamer. I've never tried adding cinnamon

  5. We also use Folgers Black Silk.

    1. I'm going to try this one out - it now has 2 votes, LOL

  6. Personally I use Cafe Bustelo, in comes in a tin or a vacuum sealed bag for a little cheaper if you already have a container to put it in. It's a bit darker roast, but I think they have some different flavors so they may have different options. I normally make lattes with it, with brown sugar syrup and some milk, and it's pretty good

    1. brown sugar syrup sounds good. I'm not fancy with my coffee or additions at all, haha.

    2. It's super easy to make! It's the same as making simple syrup, I do 2:1 ratio with more brown sugar to water so it's a bit thicker, but the brown sugar adds a good flavor that normal sugar doesn't. And it means I normally don't feel the need for other add ins cause the flavor is enough

  7. I agree the best thing is to visit your mom where she is. If the drive were shorter, or you could simply bring her for a meal then take her back it would be nice but a visit in her place is wonderful too! I only drink tea, no opinon on coffee here haha

  8. We used to use Folger's Black Silk until I read they add wood fillers. Now I grind the beans. I like dark roast coffee due to the lower acidity.

  9. I'm pretty simple as far as coffee goes, and extremely cheap! LOL I love the Kroger Columbian (teal green) blend. I buy it for work in the canister / grounds, and buy it for home in the kcups. It is smooth and tasty. I do not like the Kroger Premium blend at all. It smells burnt to me. But the Columbian is nice. I always try to stock up whenever they have a sale or coupons.

  10. Kirkland Coffee from Costco is great!

    1. I don't have a Costco membership anymore. I have always really hated shopping there (I've had memberships in the past). The crowds are just too much for me and stress me out.
