Monday, October 30, 2023

Pie and passports

One more day and then we can take the (2nd) bag of candy out from hiding and eat it, haha.

I got the banana cream pie made yesterday, though it would be better with more bananas, it's still good. I cleaned the kitchen up and ran the dishwasher. We had leftover mac & cheese for dinner and the pie later for dessert. 

I also got dh's passport renewal form filled out and he signed. I was looking to see how it should be mailed and while not required, I should probably mail it in a priority envelope at the post office, just to be safe, since I have to send in his passport with it. We got a good laugh at our pictues, his a bald shiny head and mine white hair. The lady taking the pictures said it's hard to get a good picture of white hair when they require a white background and also at the same time they want the picture to not be "washed out" looking. Like she said, there's not much they can do when it's white hair on a white background. I also laughed that one of the hair color choices on the form was "bald". He has some hair, but just on the sides and back now, LOL. But, man did he have a head of hair in his youth. Think 70's rockband hair. haha.

For me, I need to apply for my first passport. I think they will do it at the courthouse in town, I just need to call to find out and find out if I need an appointment or can just drop in. The county website leaves a lot to be desired in the form of usable information.

I ordered some OTC medication online with Walmart yesterday and was trying to be on the ball and get my receipt printed to pdf and uploaded to my HSA. Only I can't for the life of me remember/figure out how I printed all the past receipts. It will not print the whole receipt on one page, it's like half of it, width wise. Even if I change the settings, it comes out the same. I even changed it to landscape and it comes out the same. I just tried again this morning and still can't figure out out. I can't remember what I did to save all those other receipts to pdf, so they are readable and show the item and the price I paid. I don't know why this is being so difficult.

The weather is warming up to 45 today and 50 tomorrow, so the snow should melt and we'll get back to a little bit of fall weather again. 

Well, I just emailed our county clerk of court to ask about passport application, as the U.S. Gov't website says they are an acceptance facility, as well as our county website says they are. She said they are no longer an acceptance facility, so I will have to go have it done at the post office in the city.  Apparently there I can either make an appointment or do walk in. I'll probably just do walk in. And then we can mail dh's renewal in at the same time.

Monday - Amos has the right idea!


  1. Are you able to use your cell phone to take a picture of the receipt and then attach it to an email to yourself? I have had to do that sometimes. Amos DOES have the right idea! He is so cute.

    1. I have done that with store receipt slips from the pharmacy, since they are so narrow to scan, but finally the saving to pdf worked. I think the order wasn't "finalized" yet in Walmart's system, when I was trying.

  2. Oh man, I get you on the pictures! When I had to apply for my residence permit for France after Brexit I looked like a Colombian narcotraficante! I'm surprised they let me stay!

    1. LOL! I was thinking to myself I can't be the only one with white hair to need a passport photo that will be accepted

  3. Tommy will never go bald. But, he never combs his hair and looks like a crazy Einstein. So, I have to keep cutting his hair! Cats an get into some crazy positions.

    1. Practical Parsimony Linda

    2. Even when my dh had more hair he got to the point he just cut it all down super short.
