Saturday, October 28, 2023

Sneaky trick

I noticed Walmart is now being a little "tricky" with their cash back rewards on their credit card. Previously I charged my order to my Walmart card and would earn 5% back that I turned around and redeemed as a statement credit. The past couple of orders I've noticed that now this 5% cash back (if I haven't redeemed it yet on the card account) is also now available to take the credit right off my order).

At first I thought, oh, ok, that's handy. But, then my last order I realized doing it that way I'm losing out on a little bit of money. Say my order is $300. I get $15 cash back, that I can redeem as a statement credit, so my net out of pocket is $285. But, let's say I don't redeem it to the statement and redeem in on my next order. Let's say that order is $200 and with the $15 cash back redemption my order is now $185, which is charged to my Walmart card. When charged to my Walmart card I now only earn 5% on that $185, not the $200. It's only .75 loss of rewards I would have earned, but it adds up. I'm going to keep doing it the old way and pass on applying the rewards to my order, instead applying it to my statement as a credit.

If there is a still a banana left and dh hasn't eaten the last one, I think I'll make a banana cream pie. I'm also going to make the mac and cheese for dinner. Last night was homemade pizza. For some reason the frozen bread rolls I have always used for the pizza are getting freezer burned (I think) after opening the package and storing the rest in the bag in the freezer. I've been buying these bags of frozen rolls for years for my pizza but this just seems to be happening this past year. Maybe I'm just not making pizza as often as I used to, so the rolls are in the freezer too long? Maybe I'll try buying the smaller bags, that I would use up quicker, and see how that goes. I even had the bag of rolls inside a ziploc bag....grrr.........

Time to get busy with the day at hand.


  1. Try wrapping it in aluminum foil too! -Ricki

    1. Thanks for the tip! I've never heard this and will give it a try

  2. My husband has lost clothes but also some “gained” clothes. I think sometimes that I should write his name in indelible marker across the back so if someone else is wearing them it would be easy to spot.

    1. Makes one tempted to sew huge name tags on the clothing, LOL

  3. Isn't is amazing how stores can machinate methods where they 'only' take $.75 from the customer. But, multiply that by 10,000 and the store gains $7,500,00. Now, that is a lot of money! I resent that. Of course, take a million customers and that immediately becomes a good sum--3/4 million dollars. I am glad you are keeping your $.75.

    1. I'm sure it is a huge amount for them to skim back a little that way.

  4. You can disable the sleep button by going into the power settings in the computer.
