Thursday, August 31, 2023

The results are in

By late afternoon yesterday dh had a fever of 101. I got out that expired covid test kit and was going to give it a try, but it's the kind that you have to use with an app on your phone, so when I scanned the card in the kit, it said it expired and wouldn't work. I slept upstairs last night, just in case he's contagious. This morning his temp was 100. Still having a super bad headache, but the sinus congestion/headache medication helped some. Just plain tylenol did nothing to help.

I ran into town at 9 this morning and picked up a new Covid test at the pharmacy (they had one box on the shelf), along with more sinus medication. Welp, he tested positive for Covid, so it's very likely I'm going to get it soon, too. We had to have been exposed at the same time/place, wherever that was. Somewhere we were at Sunday. He had not been anywhere in at least a week or more. We had stayed home the previous weekend. I went to the town grocery store a week ago, but that was by myself. Since I haven't caught it at the same time as him, I'm likely now to get it from him.

So, I called my mom's place and let them know we had visited my mom for less than a half hour on Sunday and my dh has Covid. She said she will let the head nurse know and they will likely quarantine her for a bit. Then I called the clinic in town dh has been to once or twice before. I talked to a nurse, just to ask her what is the best to do for him with it. She said at this point, just tylenol/advil for the fever and aches and lots of rest and fluids. If he gets worse to call them or go to ER. Hopefully it won't be too bad.

If I do come down with it here in the next day or two, at least I have a long weekend and already had scheduled Tues and Wed off work, so hopefully I'd be past the worst of it by then. So far I'm not feeling anything. 

Dh didn't get a call back from our garbage service driver, but today was garbage day. He was a bit later this morning and dh heard him coming so walked out near the fence/gate to ask him about it. He said he did get the message and that he did have a valve leak and it's fixed. There was no stinky fluid dripped out this trip, so hopefully that's fixed. This was before I got back home with the test kit, so dh didn't know he had Covid, but he never got even close to the driver, probably 8-10 feet away.

Here's an interesting tidbit. The train tracks are on the other side of the river, like 750 feet from our house. But, when the train is going by it actually makes a vibration in our house! As the train is going by right now, the water in the water bottle on my desk is moving. Crazy that it has that effect that far away.


  1. The FLCCC has treatment plans along with supporting documents.

  2. We both took the antiviral when we caught it. Since I had 105.9F temp, I was glad to have something! I had no idea where I was exposed, but Tommy did catch it from me and was not nearly as sick as I was.
    That is weird about the water bottle, reminds me of Jurassic Park.

    1. now when I see my water bottle jiggling I will think of Jurassic Park, LOL

  3. Oh no! Hopefully he recovers quickly and you have not caught it. Thank goodness your place has enough space for you both - lots of liquids and rest indeed.

    1. I am hoping I can keep enough distance to not get it. Keeping fingers crossed!

    2. you can definitely avoid it!!! just keep him in the room, and wait the 5-7 days before interaction. if you share the same washroom make sure it is cleaned every night or lightly sanitized. my brother got in and was in a condo with his family, he never gave it to them!

  4. You may not catch it. I am an elementary school teacher and I had three experiences with close colleagues (shared an office etc.) who caught it and I never did. (Although I suppose I could have caught it, but been asymptomatic.) Hope your DH feels better soon.

    1. If my past history of not catching what everyone else has is an indication, I'm hoping I don't get this either. When I worked at the office and everyone would come down with flu/cold etc I never would get sick. Thank you for the well wishes for dh.

  5. Sorry. I am afraid people have forgotten the precautions we took in the midst of the pandemic, specifically, handwashing. Hopefully he will recover quickly, and you will stay well.

    1. My dh has been the king of handwashing for over 30 years LOL. He's always washing his hands and has always carried containers handiwipes in his vehicles. I don't even now how many I've purchased over the years - I should have bought stock in the company :)

    2. I meant OTHER people washing their hands...and letting their kids touch stuff in stores, like the produce. Weren't you taught/didn't you teach your kids to look, but not touch? (Saw a kid today running its grubby hands all over everything in the supermarket, and the mother allowed it.)

  6. My Dh had Covid when he returned from a business trip last fall. I left for a couple days, but finally decided to come home. We stayed on different floors of the house and I didn’t get it. He was quite sick and ended up having to go to the dr. I hope you can avoid getting it. Even a mild case causes a couple pretty rough days. So far I have avoided getting it every time I’ve been exposed.


    1. I feel like I'm sitting here waiting for the hammer to drop on me, but so far I'm ok. DH isn't terrible so far, but still no fun to go through

  7. I hate to hear he tested positive. I hope it won’t be too rough for him, and hopefully you won’t come down with it. Y’all take care!
