Saturday, August 5, 2023

Alone Saturday

I'm getting a rare day to myself today. The husband half of our new friends who have visited a couple times (they only live about a 2 1/2 hour drive), the guy has his 12 year old boy every other weekend or so and has wanted to bring him over, so just he and his boy have come for the weekend and got here a little after 8 this morning. Dh and them with plans to just go drive around/do sightseeing. Dh had told me he, of course, offered them to stay the night, but he wasn't sure if that was the plan or not. I kind of thought maybe he was just going to come for the day and drive back home this evening, but they are staying the night. So, I'm really glad I decided to go grocery shopping yesterday and get stocked back up.

He was going to take dh out to breakfast after they got here this morning but it's busy in town this weekend with a fair and I'm sure our one and only restaurant is really busy, so I just made breakfast after they got here. I made scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes (from scratch) and then they were on their way for the day.  Much cooler, cloudy weather today. Even rained a little. Feels so much better outside.

I've gotten the breakfast mess cleaned up, a load of laundry going, and started steam mopping again. Got an email off to a friend, and now trying to get a blog post done. My mom even called a little before 10 this morning and she sounded good.

On Thursday we did get some scoop on what is going on with DAN's plans. He had a surveyor out because he's trying to figure out where to put his well and drain field and the surveyor knocked on our door and asked if he could measure how far our well is from the property line (guys drainfield has to be 100 ft from our well). DH told him no, LOL. Said it's all recorded with the county. They are the ones that told us where our well and drainfield had to go in relation to anticipated well and drainfield in neighbor properties. He told the young guy, ordinarily I'd be fine with it, but you know what? DAN is a complete asshole, so I'm not inclined to cooperate with him in any way. The young guy laughed and said "hey, no problem. I'm hearing that this guy is an asshole. I'm doing some survey work for the guy who owns the lot on the other side of the main road, too, and he also told me DAN is an asshole". Then dh decided to go along with the request for measuring, to see what info he could get on DAN's plans and maybe even info on the guy across the road's plans. He did, LOL. 

DAN's lot 5 is set up to share a well with owner of lot 6. The well (per state DEQ drawings) is supposed to go on the edge of lot 5 property, to be also owned by lot 6. DAN doesn't not want to share a well. Understood, but then just put your damn well on lot 4! Lot 4 is set up to completely have it's own well, like us and the other 5 lots. DAN sure does seem to be costing himself a lot of money he doesn't need to spend. He can put a well on lot 4 and use it for water on lot 5. He can then let lot 6 put in the well for themselves where it needs to go on the edge of his property and everyone's happy? Well, other than lot 6 people bought this property with the assumption they were going to be able to split the cost of a well with the owner of lot 5 and now they will have to pay for the full well themselves to get water.

Ok, I hear the buzzer went off on the clothes dryer. My back is a little sore from mopping (and vacuuming upstairs and down yesterday) so I'm going to go read or watch a show after I get my clothes hung up.


  1. Wait, I don't understand, (or, I missed something somewhere along the way.) Does DAN also own lot 4, or does your subdivision allow you to put wells on abutting lots, with the understanding that you will sell a water share when the lot sells?

    1. I probably didn't explain it very well. Dan owns lots 4 and 5 (there are 7 lots). All the lots have their own well, except for 5 and 5 which were short-plated to share a well because of the size of lot 6 partially getting taken up with a turn around there wasn't enough space for them to have their own well. So, owners of 5 and 6 were to equally own the well, but it would be at the edge of Lot 5, next to 6. Apparently DAN wants to just give them an easement for the well on lot 5 and they own it by themselves, not shared.

    2. correction in line 2 above. It should read "except for 5 and 6"

  2. I bet that little boy is having a wonderful time, just the guys. They can all pee in the woods, guy style.
    DAN is contrary and everyone is willing to tell others about him. I wonder if he will try to tell the well guys how to do their job and have a well that is not standard. Is he going to put in a well and sell or build there?
    Have you ever thought about using a tens unit on your back? Of course, you will have to go to the doctor. He might uncover a cause for your pain.

    1. it sounds like he still plans to build there. I see zero reason to go through all this (surveying cost and well drilling) to just sell. I'm not familiar with a tens unit. I already know the cause of the pain. I was in a car accident back in 2007 and am always going to have back and neck problems :(

    2. I forgot about your car accident. Tens unit is the little box with leads and pads to stick to pain area. I think he plans to turn a profit on the surveying and well.
