Thursday, August 10, 2023

Comments here

Blogger is not letting me comment on my own post from yesterday. I wanted to reply :)

To Linda - I have no idea how they come up with their assessments. Seems to be some magical formula, called Market Regression Analysis, with all the sales data. I'm guessing they did not actually drive by and look at the house when  reassessed this 2 year period, otherwise why would they need to come out and drive by again? From some news articles I've read about property tax assessments in other states, some counties hire a company to figure out all the assessments with a computer program.

Treaders - I honestly could care less if others went up because of my appeal. It's not my fault that the Dept of Rev assessors office didn't do their job right in the first place (if they did then raise them). Why should I be assessed what they consider a correct amount and the others don't have to be assessed at the correct amounts? Of course I am going to question why mine is so much higher and went up such a higher % then everyone else's did. If the explanation is mine is correct and theirs is not, oh well. Bottom line is everyone's should be accurate, so that it's a fair system to everyone.

We got a nice rain again yesterday afternoon, so I got another break from watering flowers. By the end of summer I get really tired of watering every day, LOL. 

I had a phone call with one of our newer employees this morning. I didn't realize she was English and she has a lovely British accent. 

It's payroll processing day. So far so good. It is now with my boss for review and hopefully I can hit submit soon and have that out of my way for the day. I see that she is off again all next week. I am glad to see she has been finally taking some time off, too. We both need it and I'm sure she much more than me. My side job I'm still working on a little bit each month is messed up. I can't get into Quickbooks and it's been like over a week now trying to resolve. I have no idea why, (makes zero sense) but apparently my side job boss has to actually take her laptop into the office to have the issue fixed. Again makes zero sense to me as the program is stored on their main server! I'm not questioning it. She's kind of checked out of dealing with most of it it and honestly, it's not really my problem to worry about anymore. Ive asked 3 times about it now. Supposedly she is going into the office on Monday with her laptop.

I didn't get to Teams chat with my half sis yesterday. She got delayed with something and then we were going to do it when she got home at 4 but when she got home her mother in law and sister in law were there, that she wasn't expecting. I had told her I'm not available on Thurs, due to payroll, but if I get it all done here before lunch I'll text her I am available. 

While dh and I like having guests every so often, we're realizing we don't like it often, LOL. 8 guest visits in the last 11 months and 6 of those in the last 3 months. We're quiet and boring - we apparently like being by ourselves more, haha. And then our friend from MO was commenting she needs to visit again. I'm tired, LOL.


  1. I wouldn't care either if others' assessments went up due to my appeal either. That's not your call, that's the assessor's. Other people's finances and thoughts are none of your business.

  2. If more people are annoyed, maybe someone will figure out what is going on with the people who made these assessments. It seems there is no rhyme nor reason. i imagine it will turn out that there was little thought, just conjecture. I would not worry about whose assessments go up. More people need to complain, so someone can get to the bottom of this fiasco.

    1. Makes one wonder how many others are appealing theirs.
