Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Appeal reply

On Friday I received the USB drive in the mail with all the "residential sales data" apparently used to calculate our homes assessed value. I looked it over on Saturday. It has over 1200 sales, in 2020 and 2021 and is in our county and the 2 counties north of us, a range of over 200 miles away. One comp is 209 miles away, another is 198 miles away. One is 80 miles. The other 2 are in my county. These 5 homes sold for a range between almost 1.2 million and $440k, yet their formulas can magically make them all in an equal "adjusted" price range, LOL.

I really don't give a crap about their comps - my issue is the disparity between the % my land and buildings were increased compared to everyone around me. There are many many river lots in our county and NONE of them increased as ours did. My guess is they are going to try to say, well, in 2021 lots 4 and 5 sold for $x, so your's increased. Ok....so then why didn't all the other nearby river lots not also increase that much? If I'm being comp'd on homes 200 miles away, why wouldn't river lots a mile away use our neighbors purchase price as a comp as well? (None of the sales data included raw land sales, unfortunately, so I don't know for sure what DAN paid. Since my property has a home on it, I was only allowed to ask for residential sales data, not raw land data)

Here's an excerpt of what I included in my appeal paperwork. The 2 neighborhoods mentioned are less than 2 miles from me:

The lots on L. Lane that are also approx. 2 acres were previously valued at the same as our 2 acre lots at E. Lane were valued at – in the $70,000 range. Now their lots are valued in the $117,000 range. The approx. 2 acre lots in W. neighborhood were also previously valued at $70,00, like ours, and are now all valued at around $115,000 and ours increased to almost $150,000.

If you take a few nice homes in my area, including our neighbors and look on like zillow or realtor.com, these homes have always been estimated to be a higher market value then my home, by $100-$300k....yet my home is assessed way more than they are.

I guess I will just email the assessor back this morning letting him know I received the USB drive and ok..now what? Just not sure how to word it, LOL. 

My mom called last night after dinner, confused and feeling a little bit anxious, but not too bad. She's also starting to think she still has a car and has mentioned that a few times in the past week or so. She was also thinking she's just staying "somewhere" and will be going back to where she normally stays, soon. 

Back to work today. It was nice having a couple days off. I need more of those, LOL.


  1. Gracious me. This is not good. You explained it well. So, would your answer be the same queries? What recourse do you have now? I suppose your mother will always be staying somewhere, not living somewhere.

    1. Nothing I can find supports the disparity between the % ours increased compared to everyone else around us. I would have to assume this same sales data is used for them, as well. I just emailed the assessor that I received the USB drive and please let me know if there is anything else I need to do to continue my appeal. I need to wait and see if they offer a reduction or what their answer to my appeal is. If I don't like their answer, I can continue with appealing to our county appeal board (a separate entity than the assessors office). I don't think my mom will ever know what she considers "home" anymore :(

    2. From what you say, your mother does not seem distressed. My grandmother was always unhappy, trying to go home, hating the food, trying to stay undressed. Of course, she was getting a bologna sandwich instead of the good, country food she grew up on and cooked until she could no longer. She even got bedsores. It seems like maybe your mother gets notions that are not pervasive. Maybe the activities keep her mind off her perceived state.

    3. No, she doesn't get distressed and seems to be pretty easily distracted with the activities

  2. Good for you for sticking with this!!! I know it'll never happen but wouldn't it be great if you could actually sit down with one of the assessors and have them explain their reasoning!!! I bet your assessment would drop exponentially! Good luck though!
