Friday, August 11, 2023

My head hurt

Finally, I can reply to comments again.  I could log into my "dashboard" and see there are comments, but when I click on view blog, it takes me to my blog page, but wants me to sign in again and then takes me right back to my dashboard. It was just a viscous circle, but now it's working again.

How in the world is it Friday again already?! I know I had Monday off, but geez. In doing payroll yesterday I see my boss is off again all next week. Good for her. And she has a fun week planned with her family at their vacation cabin.

I did Teams with my half sister to try to help her with her bookkeeping questions. She was able to share her screen. Wow! What an absolute clusterf.....! (Not her fault). I told her I can't imagine trying to do these books and even less could imagine actually trying to run this small company. It gave me a headache in 15 minutes trying to work it out. I told her I'd have to think on it and do some debit and credit scribbling on some paper to figure this out and how to explain it to her. She thinks she is recording some transactions wrong and she is not, but it's how to explain to her how it's working out ok. 

Anyway, it was fun seeing her (on screen LOL) and chatting with her. Only being half sisters, we still look so much alike. Same white hair, LOL. But the funny part is I have always assumed I got that from my grandpa on mom's side. He was white very early. Me and all my cousins (skipped a generation) are all white early, too. Now my half sis and my's father and his family - dark hair still into their old age, very little gray. But, one time a lady complimented me on my hair and said you must be Scottish. I said yes...and she said that is common with Scottish heritage and our dad is Scottish. My great grandparents emigrated from Scotland when he was a toddler. So, maybe I do get the white from that side. There is a picture of one of her daughters as a teenager that looks so much like me as a teenager, LOL.

My mom called again yesterday, right after lunch. It was constant "are you eating dinner now? did I catch you eating dinner?"  She's not mentioning her parents, but now is in a mindset that she is just staying where she is temporarily and will be leaving "to go back" soon. I guess my uncle called her last night and she was saying the same stuff, that she had her car, etc. He called me up and said you probably told me this, but where she lives now...she can't leave can she? I said no, it's a locked place, she's not going anywhere. The change in where/when she is living in her head seems to be coming on a lot stronger recently and I'm anticipating in the near future she's probably not going to know who I am anymore, or at least as much.

1 comment:

  1. My half sis and I didn't connect until later in life. I searched for like 6 months and finally found who I thought might be her on Facebook. Turns out she had been looking for me too (we didn't know each others married last names) It's crazy how much we are alike. We like the same foods and interests, etc.
