Saturday, August 26, 2023

Just more questions

So, yesterday the assessor sent me a small file of land sales for river properties in our area. Hmmm.....very interesting information. I was looking it over (just 17 sales) and was like WTF?!! So, he has been telling me that the reason our land value for the 7 lots in our subdivision went up 113% was because of the price DAN paid for lots 4 and 5. The assessors are using 2020 and 2021 sales data. And he says because DAN's purchase was AFTER the couple that bought lot 6 in our subdivision, they are using that price. Lots 1-6 are all basically the same 2 acre lots. Lot 7 is 3 acres. Lots 1-6 are all assessed the same value, lot 7 a little higher. DAN paid $156k for each lot (he's a freaking idiot). The couple that bought lot 6 a year earlier paid just $100k. Same exact lot.

Four of the sales data for land sales he sent me are in this other subdivision of like 40 or so lots along a hairpin turn of the river, kind of like a peninsula sticking out. Plus these lots are all low bank. One couple bought a 1.36 lot for $150k, the other 3 lots ranging from 1.2 acres to 2.2 acres, sold between $105k and $132k (the 2.2 acre lot). The lot that sold for $150k is now assessed at $146k.....yet all the lots on either side of them (and the whole subdivsion, for the most part) did NOT go up to $146k...No, the lot right next door to them, same exact size? It's new assessed value is $112k. What the.....?  Why didn't those neighboring lots have to go up to that $146k assessed values due to the sale next door, like ours did, due to DAN buying next to us? This right here is what I am going to fight tooth and nail on. Their assessing excuses and reasons are not consistent at all.

The next thing that was finally explained to me, after asking several times how our neighbors very nice 5112 sf house is valued way less than our 3735 sf house, is that their basement, which is half the sq footage of their house, is valued at MUCH less than the main floor of the house. It's valued at $45,500....$18/sf ft?! Ok, so I get the reasoning that it doesn't cost more to build the frame of the house to include a basement, so the basement is valued less......but shouldn't that same principle hold for making attic space into living area? That's what our house is. It did not cost us anymore to build the main framing and roofing of the house to put living areas in the attic space, other than the cost of adding dormers. So shouldn't our attic space be assessed at less per square foot, just as a basement is? That is my next question to him.

I went to submit my grocery order for pick up Sunday at 2-3pm and they have no times available tomorrow. Geez! they always have times, even on same day. Nothing available until Monday. But, we are also going to Cabelas, which is on the other side of town and there is another Walmart over there, like maybe a half mile or so from Cabelas and they have all their time slots available, so we will just pick up our order there tomorrow after going to Cabelas. But, at least this Walmart location has ice cream in stock, LOL.

I've got bed sheets drying in the dryer and a load of my clothes now in the wash. DH is outside/in his shop doing something. I see he has one of the roll up doors open. Last week we ordered 6 5 gallon jugs to store water in and those are supposed to deliver today. Then we will have 30 gallons of water on hand for power outage (when well goes out too) or other emergency.

Oh, I see from my email that FedEx did deliver about 20 minutes ago, so that must be what dh is doing out in the shop, getting those filled up. I need to go out and water my hanging baskets and the pots that sit under the overhang of the garage and shop. We got a nice little rain yesterday, but those flowers don't get the rain.

I'm so glad we are not entertaining today! I need time to relax after working all week and before we are busy half the day tomorrow.


  1. You are and will continue to be a thorn in their side! Good for you. You are persistent and will force them to a reckoning, I believe. I was chuckling as I read.
    Do you have a dolly or something with which to move the water into the house when you need it? Won't the water grow nasties in the heat?

    1. I hope I don't have to be persistent all the way to the county appeal board, but I will try that, if I have to. DH does have a dolly and a hand cart, though he can still carry a 5 gallon jug on his own. It doesn't seem to ever get really hot in his shop, but he will probably replace the water every so often

  2. Having DAN buy those lots is just one joy after another isn't it! But good for you for being so persistent!

    1. he's the gift that keeps on giving, it seems. I can't imagine wanting to move into a small neighborhood where you know no one will ever like you.
