Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Just ugh

I spent 2 hours on the phone yesterday with the IT from my side job. I spent a half hour just explaining to him how I log in and access the accounting software. He kept wanting to think it was on on my computer hardrive here at home. I'm like no...I log into the VPN and access a "desktop" there that has the program. It's not on my personal computer. Then he was asking questions I don't really know the details on and I was like I'm not sure, your company is the one that set me up to log in like this, LOL. Finally he figured out how I log in and then another hour and half figuring out the actual issue. But, it's working now.

It's a weird sky outside this morning. It's like sepia tones out there. Still going to be very hot today. 

The assessor replied back. I had given 2 examples out of their sales data (not used as his comps) of 2 places on the river in my actual area that sold. One is very comparable to us in square feet, lot size (though they are low bank and can access the river), a shop similar size and it's assessed at less than our house. He replied back this morning that the shop wasn't in the sales price. I replied back with a link to their listing description and pics (still on many sites, though not active of course, since it sold) and its specifically lists the shop and has it in their pictures. So, yes, it certainly was included in their sales price. Anyway, I replied back this morning with that info and a link to the listing for the property. I also told him that my issue isn't comparing one homes value to another, because your formulas can make it all match. I said I even will accept that somehow my neighbors home is worth much less than issue/question is why did our land value increase 113% while every other river lot in our area increased by half that or less. Why did our neighbors home/building value only increase 17% and ours 44.25%? Why did our other neighbors value WITH 2 added buildings last year, increase 38%, compared to our 44.25%. Why did another nice home just down river only increase 10%? It just needs to be fair and equitable. I would just like an explanation of why ours went up so high and just showing me "comps" doesn't explain why my neighbors house went up 17% when their house is just as much the same comps to be used as mine has!

I find it hilarious (in a totally maddening way) that all the "spin" on these increased assessments has been "well, your taxes won't "likely" go up that much", "well, it's up to the counties to determine their budget and they can only increase so much" blah blah blah. Yet the council in the large city near us just put out their new budget for next year and want to increase it by 10%......well sure, they now have the figures in from Dept of Revenue of what their income will be from the property taxes now, so sure...let's spend it! I know our county will do the same. A couple years ago, (during last assessment) a very large company in our county had their taxes go way up due to all the improvements they made after they bought the company. Like they got assessed at an additional 10 million dollars. So, of course the county had that in their budget a couple months later to spend. The company appealed it and got it down to like 3 million or something. Then a few weeks later they said a big F-you to our county and closed the doors (they were owned by a bigger company out of state). 100 jobs lost in this county of 4000 people. Then our county had to re-do/re-certify their budget because of course now they weren't getting any of the tax money from this company.

Last night we noticed that the pilot light in our gas fireplace was out. 3 hours later, at midnight, dh got it working again, but he has no idea why it suddenly started working when all the attempts for 3 hours did not, LOL.

I'm hoping for an uneventful day where nothing goes wrong today. Is that too much to ask? I'm starting to feel overwhelmed and just want to go bury my head under the covers and ignore everything and every body.


  1. It sounds like the county has big eyes. That is a large percentage of jobs lost for the county when the company left. Companies move to states because of low taxes, and I suppose they move away when taxes or policies are changed.

    1. the closing of this business was a huge hit to our little community. One year the company is bragging they spent $10million to update it all (hence the increase in assessment) and the next year they shut it down.

  2. I hope the sepia sky doesn't mean forest fire.

    1. I was just about to update my blog today, that yes it was caused by fire(s) :(
