Thursday, August 3, 2023

Back to normal

After our power had been back on a couple hours, while our house was still fairly cool (it was 98 outside) our furnace/ac starting sounding really loud and not much cool air coming out the vents. Finally, after dh fretting over it for a half hour, I said why don't you text our HVAC guy? Tell him our power was out for 7 hours and now it's doing this. So, he did and he called dh right back and gave him some suggestions to try to fix. That meant dh was down in the crawlspace for an hour trying to resolve it. Finally, it was fixed and we are keeping an eye on it. HVAC guy said it also could be some little motor going out, but so far it's working normal again.

I have been making Campbell's tomato soup for 40 years now? The last 4 times I have made it, the milk curdles. What the heck?! Why is it suddenly doing this and never has before? It's annoying because this is something we like to have about once a week. It's an easy meal and also something that seems to sit well in dh's stomach. The first time it happened a few weeks ago, I thought oh, I must have been in a hurry and heated it too fast. Then it did it again a few days later and I'm thinking, ok, maybe this carton of milk is off. Got new milk and it did it again. What is going on?

I'm still taking tomorrow off and have decided to go in the morning and get a grocery order. Then I don't have to worry about it when I go in Monday morning for my mom's dr. appointment. But, I need to get myself in gear and get the order placed, LOL. I haven't finished my shopping list. You'd think I could have done that with all my free time I ended up with yesterday, but no....

Speaking of mom's dr appointment. Any suggestions on how I speak of mom's issues to the doctor in front of her? This has always bothered me and as soon as I bring something up to the dr mom will say "what?" and want me to explain. I want to tell the doctor that the only real change I've noticed since she first saw her is this new thing with wanting to call her parents the past few weeks. Just so the dr knows this is something new going on with her, but I don't want my mom to start asking about her parents if I bring it up. But, in reality, it probably really doesn't matter to tell the dr. This is so common in dementia that it is what it is and nothing can be done about it anyway. If my mom was getting agitated about it, I would feel differently, but so far she is not agitated with it. But, anything I have ever tried to bring up in front of mom with the dr. leads to mom questioning what I am telling them, because of course she doesn't know she is doing this.

The week before last all my Amazon orders started getting delivered via USPS. I thought maybe it was because they thought UPS might go on strike so they switched, but then packages keep getting delivered USPS. Well, dh was outside, after our mail had already come and another car pulls up with some packages. She said that Amazon (at least for our area anyway) is now shipping them USPS instead of UPS, so they now have a separate delivery person delivering just the packages. DH told her it's ok to leave our packages at the gate, as often many of them won't fit in our mailbox. This will sure cut down on our UPS guy delivering here since most of what I order online is from Amazon.

DD and sil did take that package over to the house the next block over. SIL wore his shirt, LOL. Too bad, but the husband answered, so they didn't get to talk to the wife. Husband was nice and said "oh are you the two who live one block over and we get your packages? Ya, we just send them back". DD said she wanted to say really? because your wife told me she didn't get the first package I asked about....DD also told me that since she always keeps an eye on tracking when she orders anything, that was the first package that went to them in error, anyway. It's never happened before.

OH! and last night dh came to bed and tapped my shoulder...what? I grumbled....the cell tower light is fixed and back to red now. Thank God! Dh says, now I can sleep all the way on my side of the bed again, LOL. Thank God! haha.


  1. Hi! As soon as he comes in, I just tell the doctor I’d like to speak to him privately once he’s examined my mom. I ask for his observations and tell him mine. There’s a consultation room nearby, but we just usually talk in the hall with the door closed. I don’t feel as though I’m “hiding” anything from mom. Hope it goes well!

    1. She is seen in her room in memory care, so there isn't a separate private area to speak to her dr, but I could just follow her out into the common area after she's done and leave mom in her room (if she'll stay haha).

  2. Write out your observations or concerns and hand it to the doctor or email them to her. Your mom won’t be aware of it.

    1. that's a good idea, as well. I guess I really shouldn't worry about it so much. Even if I say it in front of the doctor, she will forget it in a couple minutes anyway. Obviously the few times I have said told her her parents have passed on (because she would say something like, well, they are probably gone now aren't they?) don't stick with her at all, so mentioning this in front of her probably isn't that big of deal.

  3. Write a note and give it to the nurse to put on her chart. He can read it before he sees her. How do you think women tell the doctor about their husband who always say everything is fine? 😂😂😂. Worked in a doctor's office years ago.

    1. it also may be something that the nursing staff there has put a note about in her chart...that maybe the dr (I would hope!) looks at. Her doctor is a woman :)

  4. How hard would it be for the one street over folks to just leave your daughter's pakage on their porch and send her a quick text? Or just leave it, since they know she'll be right over to pick it up. They're not very neighborly.

    1. that's what dd said she was thinking - geez, just walk it over!

  5. I would either give the doctor a note, even in front of her, or somehow convey this to doc. You are not the first person wanting to talk to a doctor privately. She might give you insight to why she all of a sudden remembers she needs to call her mother or someone from the past.
    Those people are jerks who got the shirt.
    That was hot to contemplate not having ac.
    I eat very little Campbell's tomato soup, but like water in mine.

    1. I guess I mostly want to tell the dr so she is aware, because I think this is a step into the next stage of the disease.

  6. How do you keep tomato soup with milk from curdling?
    Temper the milk before adding it to the soup by gradually adding small amounts of the hot liquid, warming the milk slowly; then add it to the soup. Add a little heavy cream to the soup to help prevent curdling.

    1. I have made tomato soup with a can of milk for EVER and never had an issue until the last month. So strange. I always add the milk slowly while stirring, but I will try warming it first. I did try our whole milk, but dh thought it was too much cream for his taste. We just want the soup we've been eating for 40 years LOL

  7. As you have Power of Attorney of your mother's welfare would it be possible to email her doctor prior to her visit to your mother? That way the situation can be discussed in relaxed manner away from her so she won't feel she's being talked over.

  8. I was just thinking about passing the doctor a note re mom too! Oh and it tickled me that the cell phone tower has been keeping you awake so DH wakes you up to tell you it's fixed and and you can sleep properly again!
