Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Silly boss

I'm back to work and trying set up and pay bills, except this strange name/account kept popping up as my "payables" account. I see this name got set up as a new vendor and also as an account on our chart of accounts. Wrong! LOL. It's only a vendor. I see it got set up Friday when I was off. I emailed to my boss to ask about it/tell her I fixed it and she's like what did I do? I explained it to her and she replies "well then!....sorry!". I replied back I can't leave you alone for a minute LOL! she said especially not 2 days! haha.

Then just now I get an email from my boss (mind you, I returned to work yesterday) saying she approved some expense reports, needs a check for so and so. Hopes I had a good time off....I reply back I'm confused...I took care of this yesterday and it shows you printed the check....She replied back oops! She had set up the email delayed send and accidentally chose Wednesday instead of Tuesday. LOL.

I got a reply back from the assessor that said it will be the end of the month before they can get a site review scheduled, so in the meantime I can look over the data. LOL. I've already looked over your stupid data. He told me our stick built house (just the house, not the shop) is assessed at $196.76 per square foot. our neighbors down at the end of our street built their stick built house the same year as we did, so you'd think their assessed value per square foot would also have to be $196.76? Nope. Their total assessed value PLUS with 2 detached garages added last year, is less than that. And I'm writing notes to myself about it all. Like ok...go ahead and use these comps on MY house, but you sure better be using these comps on my neighbors house, too, then!

Other notes I'm making - my neighbors house is a concrete log home, 5112 sq ft. The info on the company website who constructed the concrete log shell of their home has it on their website that it cost between $140-$160 per square foot to build, just the shell. This does not include or build the foundation, floors, roof, doors, windows, interior finish, electrical, pluming or the like. And the assessed value on their home works out to $118 per square foot. Granted the shell of their log home is only for the main floor of 2556 sqft, doesn't include the basement, but the basement and everything else to actually finish the home is for 5112 sq ft. All the rooms inside these homes are frame constructed, just like our house. 

Either these homes are way under assessed or my home is being over assessed - either way not fair to me at all.


  1. Maybe you need to tell your boss not to touch anything when you leave the room.
    You will have an airtight case by the end of the month. Do you think the assessor even looked at your house or all the data before making the assessment? Just because a person has a job, doesnt't mean the person knows or has done the job correctly.

  2. I sure hope those other places aren't assessed upwards as a result of your query. You won't be popular if they do!
