Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Karma can bite

I don't remember if I shared the story from about mid June where dd had ordered a birthday present (a shirt) for her dh. Ordered to arrive like 5-7 days before, plenty of time. Well, the day it was supposed to deliver she gets the delivered email showing it's been delivered and a picture of the package on a porch. Only it's not her porch. There is a house with the same house # one street over. It's their porch it got delivered on. She goes over there (this was only like 20 minutes after it was delivered) and knocks on the door and the complete bitch of a woman denies getting it. DD shows her the picture and says this is your porch....the lady tells dd well you should make sure your address is correct with your account. She also tells dd she only gets Amazon packages. So, dejected dd goes back home, calls customer service to report it lost (ie stolen) and is there anyway to rush a replacement order in time for her dh's birthday? Yes, it should be there on Friday. She works from home that day (I think just to make sure she got the package, LOL) and is watching the tracking, which is one of those that shows how close they are getting. It gets delivered - AGAIN to the same wrong house! She rushes over there and the package is on the porch. So she rings the doorbell and the bitch answer again and dd tells her she's here to pick up this package that got delivered in error to her, again. The lady was really snotty to her. 

So, yesterday dd messages me a picture of a package that was in her mailbox (not same delivery service as her misdelivered package) and say well, well. Look what is in my mailbox! A package for the bitchy lady. Ain't karma a bitch?! What should I do? LOL. We of course ran through various scenarios of what to do about it. I told her to have her dh wear his birthday shirt over there with this package in hand and say "oh, you really should correct your address with your account, this came to us in error, but I'm sure you are wanting your package just as much as my wife wanted her package, so we're doing the right thing and bringing it over to you". DD ended up saying, well, we're headed to a baseball game this evening, so it's not going to be a "today problem" LOL.

Yesterday my boss called me to ask for help in figuring out an Excel spreadsheet formula issue she was having. She's trying to create a spreadsheet, so she shared her screen with me. I was able to help her fairly quickly. But, the interesting part is the spreadsheet itself - it appears to be something she's trying to set up to grade employees and their work, based on a bunch of categories. Like they'd get assigned a # from 1-5 (5 being highest) in each category and then a total score. I just hope this means maybe some salary review process is in the works. It's been way too long for it to not be, that's for sure. I actually had 2 suggestions for her spreadsheet to work and was thinking to myself "do I get extra points for this?!" LOL.

My mom called yesterday after dinner. In a good mood, but a bit confused. When I answered she said "did I catch you in bed?" LOL. I just said, no, we just finished eating dinner so we'll be up awhile. Then something confusing with her brother's name and then said well, maybe it was the other "boys". I don't really try to ask her what she's talking about anymore, when she's confused. Because then I just feel like I have to correct her, which is pointless anyway. I just say "oh ok.".

I got a notification card in the mail that my drivers license will be expiring (not until January) and I can renew anytime up to 6 months prior. I need to get the REAL ID drivers license this time, so I cannot renew online, I need to make an appointment, which supposedly I can do online. Our driver's license office in our county is only open one day a week, LOL. And I went to the state website to make an appointment and it doesn't work. Figures.



  1. I cannot even imagine me keeping someone's package. I wonder if the shirt fit her husband or son. Would it not be funny if that shirt came to the door? I like having her stew about her lost package. I know someone who calls and claims he did not receive a package every time to get a free one. I shamed him, so he never tells me anymore what he got for 'free.'
    The call from your mother sounded like a good one, even if you have no idea what she is talking about.
    Sometimes, I wonder if I even need the Real license. Our license bureau in my small town is open every day and there are satellites all over the county. I wonder if we need an appointment for that.

    1. we thought it would be hilarious if the husband answered the door wearing the same shirt! Supposedly at some point I will need the REAL ID to fly domestic flights, or get a passport.

  2. Kentucky stopped mailing driver's license expiration reminders years ago to save on money. I can't tell you how many people I know whose licenses expired and they didn't notice until they had an important need for it! I hated the process for getting the Real ID - it just seemed like so much documentation was necessary. I still almost didn't qualify when I went for my appointment, as the address on my existing driver's license had been abbreviated to fit on the line (by someone in the clerks office) and everything has to match perfectly to be able to get the Real ID. Thankfully the person I was working with thought to ask if I had a concealed carry (CCDW) license. I did, and that counted for the match. Shew. It was quite the ordeal.

    That whole karma scenario sounds like fun! I love the thought of going over there to be overly nice to her. I can't wait for the update on that story!

    1. The state I used to live in didn't mail reminders either. One of our scenarios was dd going over there, just being gushingly nice LOL "oh my gosh, I got your package this time! I knew you'd want it just as much as I wanted my package, so I brought it over" haha

  3. I'm glad that bitch got a little bit of karma at least. I think I would just "sit" on the parcel for a few days/weeks and let her worry about it for a while. I'd give it to her eventually, but what a cow that woman is!

  4. I got a Real ID after moving states, since it's the same documents you need apparently. I know they also say you are going to need the Real ID to enter certain government buildings, but I'm not sure which ones. But who knows when it'll actually be required since it keeps getting pushed back
