Monday, July 31, 2023

Tiny egg and mystery plants

The last day of July and the year is more than half over. The month of August has always gone really fast for me.  It's like all of a sudden it will be Labor Day weekend.

Yesterday morning I found this teeny little egg in the nest box. Not much more than an inch in length.

Apparently it (among other names) is called a "fairy egg" and can happen for some reason. It's quite adorable, LOL. I had never heard of a fairy egg before.

Our friend with the puppy stopped by again yesterday morning. She grows every time, LOL. She wasn't quite as worn out yet, so she was sniffing around the yard quite a bit while we visited on the front patio.

Lots of forest fires started up this weekend in our side of the state. Not good.

So, early summer we bought 2 boxwood shrubs to replace the dead azalea's on each side of the front patio. One azalea was completely dead. The other had like 2 little green leaves on it, but 98% dead. But, dh took that one and put it in the pot, with some dirt, that one of the boxwoods came in. Figured we might as well try. In 2 other pots he planted a couple of little pine tree sprouts that had started growing up in some gravel. Again, might as well see if they would take and grow. I watered the 3 pots regularly but it all died off, so I stopped watering. A week or so ago as I was walking by the 3 pots I see some green leaves starting to grow in the azalea pot, next to the dead azalea little stump. I'm thinking those look like petunia leaves, but nah, can't be, must just be a weed growing in the pot. But, I gave it a little water anyway. I look over yesterday as I'm at the water hydrant and see this

How in the world did that grow there?! LOL. If I had wanted to grow petunias from seeds I sure couldn't have!

And this flowering thing started growing in our island. We've been wondering what it is and I finally took a picture and looked it up. It's an invasive weed (LOL) called Leafy Spurge. Ah well, guess I'll pull it out, then.

We do have some native stuff that grows naturally in the island of the driveway (along with stuff we've planted). A few pines and some oregon grape, which I wish would grow more and spread out, but it is growing more, especially around the other side of the island.


  1. That tiny egg is precious. Does it have a yolk, too? Pots that I overwintered had different things growing this spring. They were nice surprises. I think petunias are easy to grow. Some that died reseeded this year. Maybe you can plant whatever

    1. I may have to try growing some from seed next year, just to see, haha

  2. Replies
    1. a picture of? I wasn't sure what you are referring to.

  3. Gosh I do hope they get those forest fires under control quickly!

    1. I highly doubt it. Even though our state governor "promised" they'd get fires out quickly this year, well, ya, we all know how politicians promises go. Fires, letting them get big and then putting them out are big business.
