Sunday, July 30, 2023

Slacked Saturday

I really got a bunch of nothing done yesterday. I realized that since pay day is Monday, it's in my bank account Saturday, so I took care of bill paying (that isn't already set on auto pay) and budgeting. Watered flowers in the morning. Saw the mail carrier go by while I was out there, so I walked down to get the mail. It was a packet from our county tax appeal board, recommending I first request an informal appeal with the Dept. of Revenue, assessor's office. Which I have already done like 10 days ago.

I put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher, made dh lunch and that's about it. Oh, and I did get the litter box cleaned out. We talked about going and doing something, but didn't. Around 2pm I took a nap until 3:30. I was really hungry when I got up and was in the pantry looking for something to snack on before dinner. Dh has been saying all week that a big burrito sounds good. Then he suggested going to the nearby restaurant for dinner, but I said a big meal and none of their menu choices really sound that good. He then said the same. So, we decided to head to the city and just go to Taco Time, LOL. He got a big burrito and mexi-fries and I got a chicken quesadilla. Then it was a little after 5pm so we decided to go see my mom. They start dinner at like 4:30 so I was hoping she was done or close to it. I always look at the sign in sheet to see how many people visit in a day. We were the 3rd, for like 24 residents. She was still eating but we told her we'd go sit down in the lounge area and wait for her. I'm not sure if she remembered or the staff girl who was sitting at her table helping another resident eat reminded her, but she came around the corner a little while later.

DH says to me she looks different...but he hasn't been with me the last few visits. We're sitting there chatting (ok answering her usual "now how long does it take you to get here?" question every other minute) and I suddenly realize she doesn't have her glasses on. (hence why dh thought she looked different). I tell her I'm going to her room to find her glasses, figuring they were there. I could not find them anywhere. Oh crap. Then I walked back to dh and her and told them I couldn't find them and was going to ask staff. There were 2 aides still at the table she had been eating dinner at, helping others and I told them her glasses are missing, any ideas where they might be? They both said "oh! we've been looking for them too!" One girl said some of them are little packrats and might have picked them up, so she will look in others rooms.

I go around the corner to head back to mom and dh and hear them laughing. I get closer and mom holds up her glasses. They were in her pants pocket! Oh geez! she's lucky she didn't break them that way. I went back to tell the staff girls we found them and they got a good laugh, too. The girl who had been sitting at the table told me that after dh and I walked away to go sit down my mom told her "that's my daugher, (my name)" so that is good she is still knowing who I am, most of the time still. She didn't mention her parents at all this visit.

We stayed almost an hour and then went to the grocery store and I ran in and got some more lettuce and chicken breasts. And bagels. I keep forgetting to buy bagels. I bought some cream cheese for some last trip and then forgot to add bagels to my cart. Then we went to our town store last week and again, I forgot bagels. I also bought one of their cooler bags to bring the food home in. Two of our bags we used all the time when I pick up groceries are ripping at the zipper and not sealing, so needed new anyway. Then on the way home we stopped at DQ and got peanut buster parfaits to eat on the way home. We got home around 7:30. It was nice to get out and do a little something. And nice not to have to make dinner. I should now be able to make it with enough groceries (I hope) until I need to go back on Monday, the 7th for mom's dr appt.

We made the cat stay inside all day, which he certainly didn't seem to mind. He was tired from being outside all night, LOL.


  1. That is wonderful that your mother knew who you were. I am glad she found her glasses. It would have been a long search for them and the staff otherwise. Sometimes, we need to get out of the house, and go do something we could do later. It helps. There is a list all the time, it seems. One of is always out of milk. Did Amos find a lady friend?

  2. Does Amos have a girlfriend? Usually that is when a cat will stay gone and come home later exhausted.

    1. I don't think so. Neither of our neighbors have a cat and the next closest neighbors are a mile each direction

    2. So, that trek could have worn him slap out.
