Friday, July 7, 2023


I'm kind of relieved I don't have to make the 430 mile trip on Sunday, now. But, that's just me being a homebody. There's obviously not going to be any mid year bonus's to hand out at the meeting, or apparently even any "discretionary" bonus's, because I have been given nothing about it for payroll purposes. Our discretionary bonus's are when our executive managers decide some people still get a bonus, even though we didn't meet all our sales goals. In the past I have gotten both the discretionary and the sales related bonus. Even though I do not budget for the bonus for my regular monthly expenses, it's still something I have regularly received in the past and used for other things we want to purchase, or in the case of last year, used to pay off our sidexside in 6 months. It's also kind of a bit hit to my income all around this year, with losing most of my side job income and also the bonus from my regular job. And of course, no raise this year.

If you need to order some pet supplies and use Rakuten, today is a good day to do it. Petsmart is having a 1 day 20% off online orders and Rakuten is offering 10% cash back. Free shipping over $49. I need cat litter and may just stock up on another big bag of cat food.

Amazon Prime day(s) is coming soon. There is one item I'm going to see if it's on sale for Prime day - it's a cat "cave bed". I should try to make a list of things I can think of, that we buy regularly or something we've been thinking of buying, to see if they go on sale. Every year when this sale comes I can never think of anything I need or want, as I never plan ahead for it. I wonder if they put any artificial Christmas trees on sale, LOL. That's the only thing I can think I've been wanting another one of.

Good grief - so I had the cat litter in my Petsmart cart (signed into my account) and left it there while I was taking care of some other things. Went back to finish up the order and it had logged me out. Now it will not log me back in. Why are all these business's online order system (yesterday was Walmart's) such a PITA to try to order anything? It really gets old.

DAN is finally back today, with a different piece of equipment. Today he has a mower attachment on it. He's going down along side our fence line, which is good. DH used to mow that, before he purchased the land. Just mowed a wide strip on the other side to keep the tall natural grass and weeds from growing through the wire fence. When they first bought the property dh mentioned he had been mowing that part (previous owner was fine with that, he never came out to the property or ever did anything with it) and DAN said "oh no problem!". Then of course after the fight with him and the no trespassing sign pointed at our lot, dh doesn't mow that strip anymore. Well, like dh just said...after we keep hearing these big loud thunks as he's hitting big rocks...the problem with letting it grow that long is you now can't see where the big rocks/boulders are. But, at least he's getting it mowed down. DH used to also mow the median area between our street and the main road. Mr mows out in front of his property, dh does ours and just to make the whole street look nice, would continue on down the next 3 empty lots and of course he's not doing that anymore either. Dh had done it enough times (though he just has a john deere tractor mower) that he knows where the big rocks are to avoid hitting with his mower.

When dd's boss is off work, he's been putting her as the manager in charge. She said last week they had an afternoon get together offsite for the dept. The manager was going to be off the rest of the day and the next day. One of the employees joked "am I in charge the rest of the afternoon?" and mgr said "no, dd is" and the employee says, "but that's not until tomorrow" and mgr says "still dd...." LOL.



  1. Have you gotten your tax rebate? . 3 of my kids got theirs, 1 is still waiting. The website says ours was processed yesterday but it’s not showing up in my account yet. It’s just going to savings so I’m not really in a hurry.

    1. I, nor my mom has received ours yet. I couldn't find where to check the status of it. I did read they are processed in order of when they received the returns, and I always wait until the April 15th haha, so I'm likely on the tail end.

    2. I just googled Montana tax rebate. Click on the first link, which is a .gov. Then it gives the option of tax rebate or property tax, so click the tax rebate. On that screen you can put your info in and it will tell you the status. It seems to give a generic date of august xx until they actually process it. Mine was processed on the 6th and it’s in my account this morning. You and your Dh will both have a rebate (although it’s issued in one lump sum) so the amount on yours will actually be doubled when it comes. I hope this makes sense, and is somewhat accurate. I’m going from memory, which ain’t always a good thing lol.
