Friday, July 28, 2023

Time is speeding by

How can it be Friday already again? I was finally able to get a hold of my mom later yesterday afternoon and she seemed completely fine, so that is good. 

I was looking at my work calendar for the rest of this year and figuring out what days to take off for PTO. I get 27 days per year and so far this year have only taken 9 days. I had next Friday on my list to take off and then see on my calendar I had noted my mom has a dr. appt on the next Monday, the 7th. I totally forgot that they had me set up that next appointment in 5 months, after her first appointment in memory care. So, that is good it's coming up and the dr. can take a look at her umbilical hernia then to see if its bigger, like med tech thought. So, I added Monday to my days off, too. I came up with 13 days for 2023, plus 2 into 2024, so still should take 5 more to use up my 27 days....not to mention I have at least a couple hundred hours accrued beyond that. My boss just got an email dump of all my PTO requests at one time, haha. At least there was an option in the system to request it all as one email instead of individual emails to her to approve, for each block of days off.

I also need to get dh and I scheduled for eye exams, new glasses. That will be on my to-do list for next week. I'll procrastinate it so much that by the time I do it, it will be winter and we don't like to make appts to drive to the city, unless we have to. Plus an eye dr would be 2 visits, one for the exams and pick out glasses and another to go pick them up. I prefer to have checkups and things during good driving months.

After we got back from our quick trip to town yesterday dh let the cat outside. Usually he hangs around the house outside or if he does go off, he's not gone too long. Well, by the time I got done at 4:30 with work, he still wasn't back. Dh saw these pics on the game camera. Obviously heading out the gate, LOL

I went out towards the gate calling for him and then see him coming over from the lot next to us. Trespassing, LOL, but at least he wasn't across the road (though I'm sure he probably was at some point in his afternoon out). He did end up coming inside, but was then a total butthead about being back inside for about 2 hours. 

Both our vehicles needed gas so we took the truck to town for our errands and then dh decided to go back with my car and fill up. There was probably over 1/3 of a tank, and enough to get to the city, if needed, but with wondering if I was going to have to make a trip in, if my mom was still sick, he decided a full tank was better piece of mind. Then I wouldn't be dealing with her and having to stop and get gas. 



  1. I am glad your mother is better. I was worried. If this happens again, I would speak to her doctor.
    Oooh, do make sure you get all your time off. That would be a shame to leave it.
    We try to get yearly exams done in nice weather. October is the least rainy month of the year and still warm here. So, that is a good time for us.
    Amos looks like a wild beast caught on a cam in the wild.

    1. Since she has a dr appt a week from Monday, that will be good to have her checked over. I think Amos thinks he's a wild beast.
