Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Lovely peace and quiet

Completely quiet 4th of July here. I didn't even hear any fireworks off in the distance. The weather was a nice comfortable low 70's, too.

My cheesecake turned out amazing. Sooo good. I'm had a piece for breakfast, LOL.

Now if we could get past this property tax appeal process....dh is just obsessing over it. Finally, last night I'm like let's just take a break from it. I'm mailing the appeal and we then just have to wait to hear when the hearing is. But, it sounds like a lot of people aren't too happy about the huge increases. You hear more about it from city news sources, rather than out where we are, but dh sent me a link to a news article about a couple who own a very modest home on one acre outside the city, about 10 miles or so. Retired, fixed income (though really, who isn't on a fixed income? I work yet still my income is basically fixed, too.). But the guy is like where am I going to suddenly find an extra $200 a month? He said, of course he expects some reasonable increase each cycle, but not 40-50%. A commenter on the article had a very good point: Most of us homeowners aren't playing the housing market. We're not trying to buy low and sell high. We're being taxed on unrecognized gains. How is that fair? That would be like my mom's retirement account getting taxed on what the market is at the end of a year, even though it's all just speculative and no gains would be realized until the stocks are actually sold. I shouldn't be taxed at a high rate until I actually sell my home. Then I should pay and then the new owner should pay based on what they were willing to pay for the property. I didn't build a million dollar home - because I can't afford a million dollar home, yet now I will be taxed as one. 

DAN still hasn't done anymore on his lot - what's it been? like 2 weeks now? Dh says he's been driving in most days, though...I guess to check on his sanican? or maybe to make sure his mini excavator is still sitting where he left it. DH said that whole "job" he spent 2 weeks on is literally like a 4 hour job to put in a culvert. If he's keeping the sanican, he must plan on doing more.

Hmmm...decisions decisions. Week before last, when getting the email from my boss about the July 10th company meeting, I messaged back I'll just drive over for it (it was still optional if I want to go) but that I would need to do payroll this Friday instead of next Tuesday, as I'd be driving home on Tuesday, is that ok with her? I never got her reply. So, I messaged her about it this morning and she said she forgot to reply, but was going to give me another option - come over for this company customer event mid September. That actually sounds much funner, so I'm going to go that date instead. My boss lives about half the distance between the office and dd's, where I'll be Friday (while dd works) and usually my boss works from home on Fridays, so I just asked her if she will likely be working from home that Friday, I'd like to meet her somewhere near her house for lunch. She said she'd love that, so that's the plan. That will give us a good chance to just visit and catch up. We never seem to have time to do that when I go over for meetings because she is always so busy getting ready for the meeting or event we are having.

Our propane delivery guy just called. He'll be at neighbors today and wanted to see if we wanted him to fill us up, too. I said, sure, I'm sure we're due. He said we're still at about 45% but he can top us off and get the lower summer rate, so yes, let's for sure do that. I wonder how much a gallon it is up to now.


  1. So, the taxes are on speculative prices? That seems crazy. Maybe enough people will complain that something will be done about that whole system.
    We heard a few booms around here in this small neighborhood. But, we never saw one firework in the sky.

    1. They say the assessed values are based on the current market value, yet what homes sold for in our state are not public knowledge, so no clue what comparable homes sold for. Plus, someone from, say CA, who thinks $1 million for a house is low, are willing to pay that here, no problem, so our values go up. I'm taxed for what they think I can sell it for, so while they up my homes value by 52%, I don't get to benefit from the financial gain unless I sell my house. My budget sure doesn't get to benefit from it. I'll somehow need to find an additional $300/mo.

  2. Good luck with the property tax fight! I am glad you can go on that trip in September and catch up with your boss - you guys get on so well!

    1. I think it will be a better trip being close to the weekend, I can stay at dd's until Sunday or even drive home the next Monday if I decide to stay a few extra days
