Sunday, July 2, 2023

Let's do a lazy Sunday

The neighbor's son and family did indeed leave yesterday, around noon. At least it's a week less than they were supposed to stay. The neighbors 3 (big) dogs will take off and run if they let them out of their kennel. They don't usually worry about it too much... cuz you know "they always come back", mentality. The next nearest houses in one direction is a small group of homes about a mile up the road (where they were most likely turning the quad around), or the next nearest home in the other direction is at least half a mile. Over the years they have gotten phone calls from one of the people down in the group of homes a mile away, "hey, your dogs are down here" and Mr will drive down to get them. (You'd think after a few calls that would be the sign of "hey, we really don't want your dogs running around here). Sometimes the 3 dogs stay together, sometimes not. 

We were sitting on our front patio and our cat was sitting on a rock next to the patio and all of a sudden one of the dogs came around the corner of the house up to the patio. Completely worn out from the long run. He got some pets from dh (his favorite person) and then saw the cat and calmly walked over to investigate (he has never seen a cat before LOL). He was totally calm (and worn out) and they were about a foot away and suddenly the cat hissed and decided nope. You're not welcome here and chased the 120 pound dog home, LOL. It was the funniest thing ever.

We went back in the house and a few minutes later the phone rings and it's Mrs. She was asking dh if my chickens are ok? The other 2 dogs came home with a chicken's head and she was worried they somehow got into mine. Nope, mine are a-ok in their coop fortress. Hopefully those 2 dogs didn't actually kill someone's chicken! Most people do free range around here. I know one of the homes in the group about a mile away for sure does have chickens.

Speaking of this little group of homes, about a mile away. There's probably like 7 homes. In the past couple of years one of the places changed ownership and the new owner has turned it into a total junkyard looking place. Rundown cars and machinery all over the place. Looks awful, but nothing one can do (it's not a covenants neighborhood, nor would the county do anything)and it's not where we can see it (other than when driving by, as it sits on the main road). But Mr. doesn't like it. Apparently, he even went and talked to the other neighbors to see if they can/would try to do something about it. I think he even wrote a letter to the owner. (all the other places look fine, not fancy or landscaped much, but totally fine). They all told him that its a very nice family that lives there and they aren't bothered by it. Mr thinks it's ok to do that, but calls my dh a "mean spirited neighbor". Go figure.

We spent some nice time outside yesterday. Brought a couple of lawn chairs down to the backyard at the edge of the bank and watched the river, sitting in the shade. Watched the cat's antics. Watched several floaters go by off and on. The river is still running pretty fast, so it's not much of a leisurely float, yet. 

I don't know what I'm doing today. Not much. I need to get my grocery order put in today for picking up tomorrow. I'll get that done when I'm done with this post. I might make some cookies, just the easy kind from the premade mix. Snickerdoodles. Or maybe brownies. I've been craving chocolate, a bit. 

I need to figure out some new snacks, for me, to buy. I'm always hungry for something but nothing I always buy sounds good. It's all dh's snack stuff. But, I have no idea what to get. I don't really want total junk food (like dh eats) but not sure what I want, LOL.


  1. Sometimes we need lazy days. Like you, I sometimes crave snacks but, I am afraid to purchase anything because I have a terrible habit of consuming too much too soon. I think, I will go get some dark chocolate to accompany my afternoon coffee. I cannot eat too much of that. (I hope)

    1. I don't want to buy junk food either, or I'll just eat it all very quickly. I do eat a square of dark chocolate and a handful of pistachios (both supposed to be good for brain health) almost every day as a later morning snack.

  2. So, from now on sic the cat on interlopers. He is doing a good job. And, how dare the dog mess with your husband.
    Are the son, wife, and kids now moving to CA?

    1. as far as I know they will still be moving in about a month

  3. Apart from the 120 lb dog, personally I would not want free-roaming dogs anywhere near young children, even if according to Mr and Mrs they are "not nasty". I got bitten during a walk on my 1-hour covid exercise slot. The house down the road hadn't shut their gate and their dog just came out and bit me on the calf.

  4. Been away from blog reading for a week or two so I had to read back a bit to catch up.
    I'm so sorry those neighbours are making life unpleasant for you and your dh. I feel your frustration!
    We had a next door neighbour years ago, a widow, unfortunately alcoholic, who would knock on my back door as soon as my dh left for work every morning and sit in my kitchen while I juggled three kids. All morning!
    We were tearing our hair out; she never went home!
    Suddenly she declined and the change of situation meant sheltered accommodation elsewhere had to be found for her.
    I've never been so relieved.
    I sincerely hope the family you are having to tolerate undergo a "change of situation" - and pretty soon!

  5. I would get a water gun and fill with water and some sort of scent, as per the list below, to spray on the dogs when they come onto your property. It'll be fun, hopefully effective, and when the neighbors call to ask why their dogs are wet, you can have the satisfaction of telling them why. :)

    The Smells Your Dog Hates
    Citrus Scents. Citrus scents top the list of smells your dog probably hates. ...
    Vinegar. While this non-toxic household substance is safe for use around your home, your dog won't appreciate it. ...
    Rubbing Alcohol. ...
    Fresh Herbs. ...

    1. that's a good idea, LOL. They wouldn't wonder why they are wet, most likely (they often take a swim in the river and come back soaking wet), but a smell would be funny.

  6. As for Alice's suggestion, get a super soaker for your dog problem! I would go heavy on the scent.
