Saturday, July 1, 2023

Saturday things

Neighbor's son's truck is backed into their garage this morning. That's usually the sign they are packing things up to go home. So, maybe they won't be staying another week. The kids dad did start giving quad rides - out on the main road! They are just idiots. First off, it's a 2 lane road and the speed limit out there is 60. Not that there is a bunch of traffic, but....and even worse, dh has seen them switching kids to ride and they put the helmet on them and don't even strap it up. That one gets dh every time. From having our kids in racing when they were young the helmet strapped correctly, along with the harness was the #1 priority. When dh used to strap the kids in he'd pull their seatbelt harness tight and ask "feel tight?" and they'd say yes and then he'd pull it even tighter, haha.

Anyhow, they were back and forth down the old hwy last evening. It appears they must go down about a mile to the next nearest driveway and turn around (I'm sure those people appreciate it). Well, dh saw out his den window the quad coming back down the road and going super slow the whole way and then coming into our street/their driveway...a few seconds later a sheriff's car went by. Wonder if they got pulled over? They parked the quad and didn't ride it anymore. Sheriff's aren't out of way too often, I mean the odds of seeing a sheriff when out on the road here is pretty slim. Wonder if someone from one of the houses down where they'd be turning around called them. I'm sure we'll get blamed for that, too.

Literally right on the other side of the main road is a good forest service road. Perfect for ATV riding. In fact, people use it for that often. Why not take your kids down that road for a bit, turn around and come back for the next kid and do it again. Why would you ride out on a road where vehicles are doing 60 (or faster, lots go faster)...with little kids and sometimes he had 2 kids sitting in front of him. I guess I must not understand the whole point/appeal of ATV riding. I thought it was to be offroad, not ride up and down a paved road. If you're going to ride down the 2 lane highway, why not just get in your car? LOL.

I've got sheets in the laundry this morning and just emptied the dishwasher and filled it with breakfast dishes. My sinus are still bothering me, ugh. I noticed the other day I missed clipping a few dead iris blooms, so I'll head back out to get those cut down. It's a nice warm sunny day.  

DH's debit card expired yesterday but I never got the new card in the mail. Or if I did, I accidentally threw it out. I got an email this morning reminding me to activate it. Ooops. So, I reported it that it was never received and now a new one is coming that I will watch for. He can have my debit card until it comes. I never use it, as I always use my credit card that gets rewards.

When we were coming back from town a couple days ago, from getting gas, a few miles from our house we saw a dog in the road that we slowed down to pass. DH said he's seen it mentioned in the area missing/found pets for our county. He thought it was from the nearby large neighborhood we just passed. Well, he went back and looked up posts and it sounds like it doesn't belong to anyone....dh says if he sees it again he's going to try to get it. At a minimum can take it to the shelter in the city.  Poor thing. It looked like a med sized Australian shepherd type. I told dh we hardly ever go anywhere, the chance we'd see it again is low :( I was just so worried about it getting hit by a car on the 60mph road.


  1. I hope your sinus problem goes away soon. I am glad the neighbor's son and his family is going away sooner than expected. Oh and I hope, someone nice like your husband finds the poor pup if he can't and help her/him.

  2. Those meds are a lifesaver for me. They were given to me by allergist and ENT.
    If DHR gets involved with kids on that road, you may not have to worry about the kids anymore. They could be removed from their parents, get killed, or parents could be arrested. It is amazing the way the parents are behaving. Not hooking on the helmet makes the helmet practically useless. I valued my children and all children more than they do. I really hope you get the pup before he gets killed.

  3. A neighbor boy rides a small motorcycle on the same path for hours sometimes. He goes down his driveway, through some trees to another road on private property owned by a radio company, then into our circle driveway and down his again. Over and over and over. He’s probably 11 or so, and I guess this is the best path he can come up with without going on the road too much lol. It hasn’t been too bad this year, but it’s rained everyday for 6 weeks. The noise from motorcycles and side by sides drives my dogs crazy. Last summer he did this almost every evening.


  4. How dangerous! I wouldn't even walk down a rd that has those speeds, let alone have kids on a quad. No common sense. Glad for those kids, this "fun" was stopped. Hopefully, this will be the last of their visits for a very long time.

  5. I think I would ride that way and try to find the dog.

  6. Even though my grandson is only two, my DIL insists he has his helmet on each time he's on his bike. No helmet, no bike! Of course at the speed he's going it wouldn't matter but as she quite rightly says he has GOT to get used to it! And I totally agree!
