Saturday, July 8, 2023

Sleepness night

I did not get good sleep last night. This stupid flashing light from the cell tower is so annoying. Like I said, it literally flashes right on dh's pillow. So, he now sleeps in the middle of our king sized bed, so basically almost up against me. I cannot stand someone up against me while sleeping. Especially since I hurt my neck and back years ago, I need to turn over several times during the night and hate turning over right into his face. And last night he was snoring. I got up at 3am to use the bathroom and could not get back to sleep. He can't turn or move over or he's got the stupid light flashing on him. So, I got up and went upstairs to sleep the rest of the night.

The blinds built in our patio doors do not help with this light, it makes it worse. It blocks the light shining on his pillow, but then the whole door blind just flashes all night. I do NOT want to hang curtains at all. I have windows right on each side of the patio doors, so there is really no way to hang curtains that would look good. While trying to fall back asleep at 3:30 this morning I came up with an idea to try. Some suction cups to the door window with something attached. A piece of cardboard or dark fabric, something. Something that can be removed during the day. Then when I got up this morning I remembered I have some suction cups I didn't use from my new hummingbird feeders. I'm going to try something tonight to see if it works. DH needs to move back to his side of the bed, LOL.

DAN worked all day yesterday and left just before 5pm. He got quite a bit done. Basically mowed most of his 2 lots and the median area between the 2 roads. His properties had several old fallen trees that he also had to use a chain saw to get cut up and out of his way. I will say he was good though, when he was all done, to get out his leaf blower and blow all the grass off the street, even where it got onto our part. He still hasn't taken the no trespassing sign out that sits between our 2 lots near the back of the lot.

I'm feeling very lazy today (probably due to interrupted sleep). I did end up sleeping an hour later than usual, so that helped some. I need to do a load of laundry. Other than that, I really don't have anything planned, especially now that I don't have to go to that work meeting on Monday. I guess just enjoy the quiet weekend before we have company again next weekend. I may take next Friday off work - to go see my mom and get groceries again, other wise it will be 3 weeks in between trips to the city.

Does anyone have a 3D printer? They seem like they are getting really inexpensive and so cool! But, I'd probably have no clue how to use it. On one of the decor pages I follow on facebook this lady shared a horse statue she made from a 3D printer and then painted it. So cool. Plus, what would a regular person make very often from one of them, anyway? 


  1. I think with your tech acumen, you could quickly learn how to use a 3D printer. The closest I will ever get is a Cricut, and I refuse to use that in conjunction with their "design space" which is their online I have the last model which utilizes cartridges, and I bought most of my cartridges when they were on clearance because they were being phased out. Oh, the design space is "free" but only to a limited extent. I don't like paying to use something I own. I also don't want to log into the internet to make crafts. It would make a relaxing activity very vexing. I don't make cards, quilt, craft, garden or can to immerse myself in technology, I do so to avoid technology, but that's me. I despise the dematerialization of media (art, music, books) which is what I think the 3D printer is part of. That said, from reading your blog over the years, and hearing from the people I know who have them, I get the sense you would really enjoy a 3D printer.

    1. Even a cricut seems too much to figure out, LOL. My dd got one given to her, and she did use it some, but not much.

  2. That should read "which is their online library of images."

  3. I put an explanation of how to check your status on the other post. Wanted you to see it.

    1. Thank you for the info! I found the link now and ours still says be processed by Aug 31st.

    2. You should be getting it soon.

  4. The whole window flashing would drive me nuts. But, I have a solution to unwanted light in bed. I lay a black sock over my eyes! Sometimes when I wake in the morning, I am not sure what time it is. I am always shocked when I uncover my eyes and find it is morning and light.
    I like your idea of putting something over the door at night. One day, I was desperate and had Tommy tape a newspaper over the fanlight. Not wanting to leave that up, I taped a piece of parchment paper over the fanlight. There are only a few months when the sun sets across the window. So, no need to leave it up.
    A king-sized bed in wonderful, but not when you only have half of it.
    i would love to have a 3D printer. I have no idea what I would do with it. Make a cat house?

    1. I think my dh moves around too much for a sock to stay put, haha. We're thinking of getting a bushy tree in a big pot to put on the patio to block the light

  5. Hope you are able to cover the flashing light so you can get some sleep tonight.
    My husband and son both have 3d printers that they use for all sorts of things. My son is building a full size R2D2 which is pretty cool. He wants it to be the ring bearer at his wedding next year. ;) My husband builds replacement parts for things that have broken, so it is handy. I have no idea how to use it though, but it is pretty cool.

    1. ok - a full sized R2D2 as a ring bearer is awesome! I can see how replacement parts would be super handy

  6. Flashing lights would drive me crazy. Maybe you can try blackout shades sometimes called room darkening shades.

    1. I just don't want anything permanent on our doors and windows.

  7. You can buy blackout lining material at Joanns/Hobby Lobby. It's sold in the home decor fabric section (super long rolls) and is fairly inexpesive since you shouldn't need much. We use to use it on 1 set of windows to help keep it from heating up our house in the summer. I actually just put tiny nails on each end and 1 in the middle and then poked hole in the blackout material, it is super thick so it will still hold its shape. It worked so well and was easy to put up and take down.

    1. This is a really good idea, especially to attach it so it can be only put up at night and removed during the day. I'm going to look into this solution
