Saturday, July 22, 2023

Saturday chores

Ir's going to be in the mid 90's today. Before it gets too warm I need to get out to clean the chicken coop. I'll just wait and take a shower after, haha. Wash all the coop dust off of me. 

I just remembered I still haven't received dh's second debit card that was supposedly sent. I need to call and get it straightened out. He has my debit card that I never use and hasn't expired yet, so he has something to use, if the need arises (typically just for gas).

I'm guessing that a lot of these properties I included on my spreadsheet for comparison - who's land value went up 65% and their buildings value went up, too, aren't happy with that increase....and here I am just trying to get our increase down to what theirs increased! 

OMG - yesterday afternoon I was working on a spreadsheet I use for work. I have used it for years, but I was trying to make a change and somehow messed it up and a simple formula to add up one of the columns was not working. It made no sense. I'd tried reformatting the column. I tried copying over the same formula in the cell next to it and it would copy the value of that column. I was tearing my hair out and really not wanting to have to go back to my previously saved spreadsheet and re-enter all my data. I messaged dd, who is really good with excel and we got on a Teams chat so I could share my screen with her and she figured it out. When I tried to make the change, but then went back to the original way, it changed hidden rows that were messing it all up. Thank goodness she was able to help me, but I didn't end up getting it figured out until almost a half hour after the end of my work day. Made for a long day.

I need to do a few loads of laundry today, too. My clothes, our sheets and the sheets from the guest bed used last weekend. I'd better hop to it all.


  1. Did your chickens ever resume their normal laying with new feed? Issues with computer programs is tiring! At least, you have someone to help you.

    1. I haven't gotten to the new bag of food yet. I just decided to keep using up the old food. It seemed to be a consensus from everyone I asked that it's not the food, just their age now. This is their 4th summer of laying and a friend told me she heard they start slowing down at 3-4 years old. I have increased my scraps and treats, which has seemed to help a little bit.

  2. Excel and I aren't great friends. I can do the basics but was always really impressed when I saw someone who truly knew its potential!

    1. I would say I'm mid level in knowing how to use it, but this issue (I created!) sure had me stumped
