Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy 4th of July

I finished watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Well, binge watched it, I guess, since I watched all 5 seasons in like a week. I didn't like the last season as much. The constant changing of what year it was got annoying, but I did like how they ended it. I'm not into fashion at all, but I did find the dresses and outfits of the show amazing.

The cat was in goofy mode yesterday. First he decided to camp out in one of the reusable grocery bags as I was getting the groceries put away. I think he stayed in there a couple hours.

Then last evening he decided this was a good spot 

He's been sitting on the bear head lately to let us know he wants back inside. Usually he comes to our back patio doors, which are full windows. Now he found another new spot. Then he was unsure how to get back down, so I went out and tapped on the bears head and he backed his way along the ledge and got back down on his head, LOL.

I went to place a curbside order for the chicken feed at the feed store before I left yesterday morning and now they were out of it again. GRRR! They will ship it, but that doubles the price. I'm not out yet, but wanted to go back to using that feed to see if they start laying good again.

Sunday, I think it was around 5:30, I was sitting in the living room and the chair faces the front door and I often catch out of my eye when a car drives by out on the main road. This truck caught my eye because it slowed down and there were 2 more cars right behind it, and a few seconds later they come down our street. I thought it was the guy at the end of our streets pickup, but thought it weird that 2 other cars came too. I didn't see them leave. Dh still had our game camera out in the front yard and it catches when cars go by, but not all 3 cars because it's still resetting after taking the pic of the first car. Dh said it was DAN's pickup and then the camera did get them leaving about 15 minutes later. DH said maybe he was showing the property to someone.......probably not, LOL, but one can hope. He was obviously showing it to people about something.

For watering my flowers, at the front corner of the house we have a coiled garden hose with a long wand on it, to get to the hanging baskets. I also fill a watering can for some I can't reach with the hose and for the pots on the back patio. This year we added flower pots in front of the garage and shop and 3 pots out in the island, near the lilac. I have to refill the can like 3 or 4 times to get those watered. My problem is if I fill the can too full I end up with my back hurting, but if I fill it say 2/3 full, it's ok, but then lots more trips to fill it up back at the faucet. I tried to pick up another coiled hose and wand yesterday but no luck. Well, they had wands, just not the coiled hose. So, this morning I ordered them online. We can hook that hose up at the hydrant faucet between the garage and shop and I can reach those flower pots with it easier. Less carrying of the heavy water can.

My lilac grew quite a bit this year, but bloomed several weeks later than everyone else's I see around, LOL. It is done blooming now, so I need to go cut off the dead blooms. Another little project for today, I guess. The lilac bush is as tall as me now and is starting to fill out the space it's in nicely. Hopefully in another couple of years it will be really big. The iris out at my front gate entrance is huge and bloomed wonderful, but all the leaves are turning brown. Not sure why, all the other iris around the yard are fine. Maybe dogs peeing on it, since it's outside the gate/fence?

I noticed some daylilies that are between the building and walkway of my mom's place yesterday. Very big and tall. I didn't realize they can get that tall, so I hope mine eventually do. 

Enjoy your 4th of July plans (those readers in the US). It appears ours will be pretty quiet, which is a good thing.


  1. My Barnevelders have stopped laying for the season, and my Lavender Orpington has gone from 1/day to maybe 1/week. It's not the feed in my case, and it may not be in your case. Their laying times become shorter and further apart as they get older. Also, LOVE the transom (?) over your front door, AND the woodwork. I so enjoy when you give us peeks to your decor.

    1. that's probably what it is - the chickens are 3 years old now. I think it is called a transom window....now with kitty nose prints up there, LOL

  2. My hens layed eggs for five years without any chicken feed. I did talk to a PhD in poultry management and he said my chickens were getting a better diet than chickens eating chicken feed.
    Once a dog walks buy and chooses a plant to pee on, it will come buy and do it again and again. Then, it dies. Ask me how I know.
    Watering plants is a labor intensive chore! My back won't stand it.

    1. well, if I ever get to buy my usual food, it will be interesting to see if there is any difference. I'm sure my grandma, who lived on a ranch and had a bunch of chickens never had any chicken feed either, LOL

  3. Never a dull moment with your kitty, haha!

  4. Love ❤️ Amos!!
    It would be great if DAN sold his land. Keep those fingers crossed:)
    We're having a quiet 4th here. Hot dog style. LOL
    Your mom seems to be doing well. What a relief for you.
    Happy 4th of July!

    1. The past 4 months or so (after she got settled in) have really been a relief to not have to watch cameras, communicate with her cargiver, worry, etc.

  5. My chickens are 4 years old and have really slowed down their laying. My others were different breeds and kept laying longer. They have all died now, and I’m left with these freeloaders. I’m guessing it has nothing to do with their feed. I’m done with chickens when these are gone so I haven’t gotten more. I used to add a few every couple years.


    1. You are probably right, it's just them getting older (3 years now). I probably won't get more chickens either after these ones. Though it would have been fun to have actual baby chicks. I didn't get that since I took the extras my friend had gotten and by the time I got them they were a few months old.

  6. First grandchild was born on 4th July so we celebrate here too!
    It's always a tossup in the garden between hosing which can take a while and carrying large buckets of water. We've had a very dry June here in the UK so it's meant a lot of watering by hand. Now in July the rain has come at last which is a relief to the plants. Think Wimbledon! Rain stops play every July.
