Monday, August 28, 2023

Groundhog day

We got our visit with my mom and other stops done yesterday. I'm seriously going to have to just start telling dh a time 10 or 15 minutes earlier than I want to leave now. He waits until it's time to leave to suddenly have to be in the bathroom for 5 or 10 minutes, then it's another couple of minutes getting his wallet and his gun (he conceal carries). He has never been late in his life until this past year. And if I mention it, even joking, he gets totally defensive saying "I'm not late!". Yes, you are! Walking out the door 10 minutes after the time we were supposed to leave is late.

First we stopped at Lowe's. He wanted a couple of lawn irrigation boxes. I guess he's thinking ahead to outside Christmas decor time and wants something to put the inflatable's cords in. I'm not sure...maybe so they don't get buried in snow and he can get to where they are plugged into the extension cord. He also was in need of a couple of new hoses. We had bought good quality hoses many many years ago and they certainly lasted a long time, but they are finally wearing out. Then he was walking by a small shopvac on sale. He's been wanting a new shop vac for quite awhile. Again, the one he has (Sears craftsman) was bought so many years ago - like 35 years? LOL. He takes care of things so they last a long time, but at some point ya gotta replace. He's still going to use the old one for wood sawing dust.

Then we went to see my mom. It was so quiet there, just a little after 1. Almost everyone was in their rooms, as was my mom. She seemed good, at least dressed normal this time. I stocked up her boxes of tissues she goes through and we went and sat out in the lounge seating area for a little visit. Nothing new to add - it's like groundhog day movie every visit. I don't think she first knew who I was when I knocked on her door and walked in. I goofed and forgot to say "hi Mom" and just said hi how are you? and I could kind of see some confusion in her face, trying to figure out who I was.

Next stop was Cabela's. DH decided to use his gift cards on some new work boots/shoveling snow boots. He did go back to the firearms dept to ask if they had the gun he's been wanting, but they didn't have it in stock, but the guy explained how he could go online and order it and it would then be delivered to the store to came back and pick up/do the background check. Or the guy also showed him, how on Cabela's website they also sell used guns and there were several available through that he could order. I looked through their women's clothing dept and could not find any short sleeve plain t-shirts, only long sleeve.

Then we picked up our groceries at the Walmart nearby there. We only had to wait a couple minutes. It was then almost 3pm. We were down on the south end of town, so probably an extra 10 or so minutes to get back to the interstate to head home. We were both a little hungry so stopped in Wendy's drive thru for an early dinner to eat on the way home. I kind of lost my energy about 5 minutes before home, LOL. Dh unloads the groceries to the kitchen and I put away. Since I didn't need to make dinner, around 5:30 pm I took a nap for about an hour.

Around 10:15 last night we get a reverse 911 call that there is an armed suspect on the loose in our area, to stay inside. Good grief. From what dh was able to find out a little bit later was someone from out of state was at the bar in town and shot 2 people and fled. Our little town has like 600 people. I don't think those that frequent the bar on a Sunday night expect something like that around here, but it's sadly everywhere now, I guess. You can't even be safe in a tiny town any more. Then the phone had to ring again at 12:30am when they notified the alert was over. 

I hadn't even looked to see what the weather is supposed to be like this coming week. It was in the mid 80's this weekend and I see we will get 2 more days of that and then Wed is down to 60 for a high. Big drop and then mid 70's after that. 

Today is payroll processing day, so I will be busy with that and for sure the day will go by quickly. I've already planned for what's for dinner tonight. Some chicken sandwiches with corn on the cob. I don't know why I have not bought any corn on the cob this summer, but did get some with this grocery order, so that should be delicious.

Ok, heading back downstairs to get some breakfast. I bought some cranberry/orange muffins, so I am having one of those yummy things.


  1. Tommy has started never getting out the door when we want to leave. He struggles to get his pants and shoes on. He always gets water and carries it in his walker. If I tell him things we need to carry, he has things to do before we leave. Yet, he will be struggling to get dressed, will be in my way trying to get water for me and something for him. He will not approach the refrigerator to get us a snack until he has 10 things to do, which includes getting shoes and pants on. We end up leaving sometimes 15 minutes after the planned leave time. Now, I say we need to leave by 2:30, not start to get ready then. It is working when I remember to explain it like that.
    He struggles to do things when knees won't bend and hips are stiff, too. Sometimes, I tell him to just get in the car, that I will be right out. I have gone to bathroom, changed clothes, brushed teeth, combed hair, and still am in the car before he is.
    With all the school shootings and problems at games, we finally had shooting and people fleeing at a football game. It is scary.

    1. Our time to leave has always meant this is the time to be getting in the car, not getting ready to leave. I'm sure it's only going to get worse as he gets older, LOL. As I guessed (when we got woken up about the shooting) it was a husband who went into the bar and shot his wife and the man she's been cheating with or something to that effect. It wasn't random.

    2. My husband (74), I am certain, will never be guilty of being late, even to leave. He wants to be early for everything. His motto is, "early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable." He is one of the most active people I know, even at his age.

    3. My dh has always had the same motto. Always early, early is on time. I guess health changes that
