Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tuesday this and that

I mentioned to dh yesterday that I'm going to need to go pick up groceries some time this week, I don't think I can make it until this weekend, I'll run out of milk. He's been wanting to go to the city to Cabela's to use giftcards he got for Christmas. Well, a mom visit, a Cabela's visit and picking up groceries won't work for a long lunch break, LOL. Or we just go an evening. But I think we decided that tomorrow or Thursday we'll just run into our town grocery store for milk and a few things and then go to the city this weekend, when we have more time. Probably Sunday afternoon. I may look for a couple of tops at Cabela's. I just buy inexpensive colored tshirts like at Kohl's or Target and maybe get a couple years wear, at the most. I could use a couple more as one has a hole in it from the cat's claw snagging me and another is wearing out.

It rained all day yesterday, but seems to have stopped and maybe a little more this afternoon. Looks like we're going to have a little sun today and a nice temp of 75. Hopefully most of the hot days are behind us.

Our house phone rang yesterday. It hardly ever rings, but we have to have it. Our phone company won't just supply internet only. Anyhow, it was a wrong number and she thought she was calling the city office in our town. I looked up their number and it's one number off of ours, so that explains it. I'm surprised we don't get more of those calls, LOL. I suppose we could just not have the landline phones plugged in, but dh still likes to use them sometimes, though it's getting less that he does.

My life insurance company got their data breached so I guess they are offering 2 years of identity monitoring for free. I'll probably sign up. I did cancel the Lifelock account I had set my mom up on a couple years ago, when she was taking calls and not for sure if she gave out her personal info or not. She can't do that now and I keep an eye on everything she has for accounts. She has one credit card that a few of her monthly bills are charged to and if that got hacked, it would be covered anyway with their theft protection. I also have her credit locked down, so no one could open anything in her name. This was reminding me of her always hiding and then looking for her purse and wallet and things in her wallet. Thank goodness that is passed and she's not stressing over her purse. She hasn't even mentioned her purse since I took it (before she moved, I think it was). 

I'm thinking of emailing/messaging the real estate agent (now a broker) we used on all our purchases/sell here. Just to tell him I am in the process of appealing our property tax valuation and with his real estate expertise/experience ask if he has any tips for me in the process....maybe he would? He's a super nice guy and I know if he had any suggestions he'd be happy to pass them along. I guess it can't hurt to ask.

DH has always followed the real estate listings/market for years. He said what he is noticing just very recently in our half of the state, that he watches, is a lot of "ranches" suddenly being put on the market. I put these in quotations because these aren't (edited as I had accidentally typed "are") real rancher's or ranches. They are large acreage owned by rich people (from out of state of course) who think they are ranching, because they come vacation on it in their 10,000 sf house, every so often, have a real ranch hand, who actually runs the "ranch". Anyhow, he's suddenly seeing quite a few go on the market in the last month and is wondering what is going on. Is the "Yellowstone" mystique wearing off, now?


  1. Maybe you should stay on the cat's good side so he won't swat you and rip your tshirts. I know it is a relief your mother does not fret about someone stealing her purse and your having to search for things she secured. But, it is still sad.

    1. I'm only on the cats good side when he wants me to be, LOL. The shirt hole was kind of an exception - he was outside and I needed to get him inside because we were leaving and I picked him up and started heading inside and he threw a fit, LOL.

  2. I have to have a landline too in order to get internet, but I unplugged it about a year ago because of the constant telemarketers. Haven't missed it at all!

    1. Knock on wood, we don't get any telemarketer calls. I have our # signed up on the "do not call" list and the spam protection our telephone company has. If it was ringing like that I'd just unplug it for good, too.
