Sunday, August 13, 2023

An old memory

Our weather is heading back up into the too hot zone. Now up into the 80 and then back up into the mid to high 90's this week. Bleh. Hopefully that is the last of it and it's supposed to be down into 70's next week. 

I kept busy yesterday morning. Watered outside flowers, made hummingbird nectar, washed sheets, emptied the dishwasher. The afternoon, not much of anything. Took a nap at 2 o'clock. DH has been wanting/craving nachos, but I don't have any ingredients for that. In fact it's been like 2 years since I even bought hamburger, other than some premade patties. So, we got in the car and ran into town to the grocery store and got the tortilla chips and fixings. I'm sure today he's going to be saying how his pancreas hurts.

DAN was back on Friday again. Again for maybe 2 hours at the most. Basically digging up some rocks by hand with a crow bar and putting them in the bucket of his "tool cat" machine while his wife "ran" it. I wonder at what point he's going to realize that is pointless.....the ground is all rocks. You dig up one, there's another one underneath it, LOL. You either just gotta smooth it all out as best as can with a dozer or bring in a bunch of fill on top. His 2 hours a week of work is putting him on par to be done in about 25 years, I guess. And here's some hypocrisy at it's finest: DAN has no trespassing signs on the sides of his property, one side pointing at our house, side windows (my living room has a bow window so there is a side window in the bow that looks right at his sign) and one pointing at lot 6. Then 2 out front facing the street at each corner. Yet, he parked his truck and trailer in front of lot 6 (so technically lot 6's property, as we all own across the street to the other side of it) because that's where the shade was. 

I was watching something on the computer about tics and tourette's syndrome. It reminded me of my dd when she was little. She had some tics when she was little. I first noticed it when she was around 5 or 6. We'd be sitting next to each other on the couch in the evenings watching tv and every so often she'd like flex her stomach. I never saw her do it any other time other than when we were sitting there relaxed watching tv. It wasn't every time and it wasn't usually constant, but sometimes would be worse than others and I'd just rest my hand on her stomach. That stopped at some point, maybe 6 months to a year. Then a year or so later she started a different one. She'd wrinkle up her nose. Again, this was nothing regular. DH and her brother never even noticed it for the longest time. I asked her pediatrician about it and he told me his best advice is to ignore it. Don't bring it up to her because that usually makes it worse and it's very likely she'll grow out of it. So, I didn't and I didn't even mention it do dh and son. If they weren't noticing it, all the better, but then they finally noticed it, so I told them what the dr said, so none of us ever mentioned it to her. It wasn't very often she did it. At some point, I'd say around 3rd or 4th grade the nose crinkling faded out and overlapped with her starting to make little head jerks every so often. We still said nothing and that didn't last very long at all and then she never showed anymore signs of it. In fact I kind of forgot about that, until I watched that video about it. It's such an interesting condition and I'm sure glad it turned out to be nothing serious for her.


  1. I would put up a slightly larger sign on my property that would block the view of his sign, right up at the edge of your yard. Put flowers, Bible verses, or platitudes on it facing his land.
    One of my children had a tic that I believe I knew the cause. It stopped.
    As for the parking, you do know he is above laws and manners.

    1. We have often talked/joked about putting a sign facing his, LOL. A bigger sign, haha. Or planting a tree. But then we come to the conclusion that him having the signs and having them pointed at his neighbors says more about the type of person he is. But at some point, we will probably set something there to block it. But, my guess is he'd just move it a few feet.........

  2. Our weather has been awful this last couple of months, high 90s with a heat index of 105+. The electric bills are killing me. Curious if your electric bills vary wildly with higher temps there?

    My son developed tics when he was around 5 years old. He would do this weird head cocked to the side movement, then stick his head forward and open his eyes very wide. He had no idea he was even doing it. I assumed anxiety from traveling, as that is when it began.
    It was really bad for awhile and I took him to the doctor, they scheduled an MRI after scaring me about a potential brain tumor. $5000 pediatric MRI bill later, he was fine, and we found that pediatric tics are common and often go away! And thankfully, like your DD, his did fade away by age 8.

    1. I'm so glad I got the dr advice I did with dd's tics and hers went away around age 9.

    2. I forgot to answer your electric bills question. No, our electric bill is barely anything in the summer - we have a heat pump so our a/c isn't being run by electricity - well very little anyway. It's awesome! My electric bills for June and July were $125 each month and the one I just got was $150. In winter the highest bill has been $400. And we have a big house. When we had our 1400 sf house in town, it was $400 a month in winter for electricity PLUS our heat was propane! it cost that much to run the furnace fan in winter. I love our system we have for this house.
