Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Off grid day

We were just out of electricity for 7 hours. It went out right after I got up this morning and a half inch of coffee made it into my cup and the power went out. The first update by the power company was 2 hours. Then at 2 hours they updated it to 5-6 more hours. Needless to say, I couldn't work, so ended up using a PTO day.

My ipad (that doesn't have data/wifi) was fully charged, so I read a lot. My phone was under half charged and got down to 30%. Then I remembered I have this battery charging thing I can set the phone on to charge, so I found that in my desk and got it back to 50%. Dh spent the morning mowing the lawn so he kept busy. Of course, when I decided to just take a nap in the afternoon it came back on just after I dozed off.

DAN showed back up this morning to move some earth around. He's an idiot. It's 100% fire season/danger so he's over there with his backhoe metal bucket thing scraping and clanging on rocks in the ground. A sure way to create a spark and set his lot of dry brown field grasses, shrubs and trees on fire. And he has no water source over there (no well put in) and with the power out we have no water (electric well pump) to put it out. Thankfully all ended up fine and he on worked a couple hours and left.

DD and her dh still haven't delivered the package yet. Figured they'd sit on it a few days, haha. But, I guess the plan is for SIL to wear the same shirt they stole and they take it over there to give them, LOL.

My mom called last night as I was making dinner, so I let it go to voicemail. Poor mom. Her brain just doesn't know when/where she is anymore. She got my voicemail and said Hi (my name) this is (and used her first and last name). I'm just trying to see if you have my parents phone number as I need to get a hold of them. Then she called me today a bit after lunch. Still saying she needs to call her parents, she hasn't called them in awhile (but didn't ask me for their number) and then something about how she's almost done staying where she is. I just said oh, and changed the subject to our power being out and we chatted a minute about that and then she said ok, you're probably busy I'll let you go.


  1. Personally I wouldn't bother delivering it, just put it back out for the USPS to pick up, note delivered to the wrong address. I've done it before if it's not a direct neighbor.

    1. I think they just wanted the lady to know it can happen both ways...if it was just put back in the mail with "wrong address" she wouldn't know they got her package

  2. The thieves have probably gotten a replacement on the way. People like them are a pain.
    It is shame the return of electricity interrupted your I think I would report his actions as a fire hazard.
    I wonder if your mother frets about calling her parents in between the times she mentions it. I cannot imagine it being on her mind for long. You are wise and compassionate to change the subject.

    1. I have a feeling it's something my mom is thinking about a lot of the time now. That's what seems to happen as they progress.

  3. An old friend has been diagnosed with dementia.
    She sounds very cheerful when I phone. She says she's off to France in the next few days on holiday but her daughter says no, not now, she actually has a live-in carer for all her needs.
    Part of me feels she's gone but I'll take my cue from you and continue to phone and if she wants to tell me she's off on holiday I'll say - Have a great time!

    1. Sadly, there's not much we can say either way that makes a difference in what they are thinking on. But, I have found that correcting her bothers her, so it's easier to just go along with it.
