Wednesday, August 23, 2023

An annoying morning

I'm just going along, minding my business and all of a sudden on of my programs with work stopped working. GAH! I tried to figure it out myself, for a good hour or so, but in order to update the .exe file to the latest version, I need "admin" rights, which that has to be done by our IT company, so now I have a help ticket it to them. And a headache from it all, LOL. So, while I wait for an IT guy to call me, I'll take a break and do a blog post.

I had tried to call my mom yesterday but no luck. Then she called me a little after 10 this morning Good! I say "hello?" and she says is this Helen? Ahhh darn. That is her mom's name, not my name. I tell her who I am and she then seems to know, but says she still needs to try to get a hold of her mom, she hasn't talked to her in awhile....have I talked to her? No, not in awhile, I say. And then she asks me if I know if her mom is doing ok and I just say yes, she's doing good. Ok, not really I lie, because I believe my grandma is in heaven and doing perfect now. Then I said "how are you doing" and that seemed to change the subject while we were on the phone a couple minutes.

Someone from our IT called me right away and now the issue is fixed. The program file apparently needed an update but it had to be done with IT Admin rights, which only they can do. It took us abouty 35 minutes on the phone, but now it's fixed. I think I used up my work energy already today.

Not much else going on. Trying to decide what to make for dinner. The pickens are slim until I get restocked up with food, but there are choices. And a good way to get some stuff used up. I think it's mostly that nothing really sounds that good.


  1. You cannot be admin? Too bad.

    I think you handle your mother's dementia well. You never make her feel 'less than, or even forgetful. I am sure she would be sad to know her mother was dead, even if for only the few moments she might remember.
    It is always amazing how much food we have when we have "nothing to eat."

    1. Our accounting program is on our company server and any changes/updates to files on that have to be done by IT

  2. I agree with Practical Parsimony on everything she says about your handling about your mother's queries about her mother. The gentle and thoughtful approach is working well. ( I wish I could comment on PP's page but I no longer can, unfortunately )
    Are your hens still laying? I'm thinking a fried potato omelette if there are only slim pickens.

    1. I'm getting 1 or 2 eggs a day, usually one. Last night I decided pancakes (from scratch) sounded good and I had a little bit of bacon left in the freezer to use up. It was a good dinner :) Ok. what is a fried potato omelette?
