Monday, August 14, 2023

Paper shredding

And Monday it is, again. I'm liking my new schedule of starting work at 8 instead of 7:30 (which is 7am where my office is). Gives me more time to chill a bit after getting up. I've even been outside and got all the flowers watered in anticipation of mid 90's today. Dh is out mowing already.

I'm still working on throwing out (and shredding when necessary) old papers. Some I had in bins in spare bedroom closet. Some I had filled in this box, underneath my desk. I'm happy to say this box is finally empty today. 

I still have more to do, inside my desk drawers and cupboard, but not too much is left. Most of what is left just needs to be shredded up. Most of the papers I had are from both my jobs from working from home. Several years old, back when I had one monitor and had to print out most things to work on/from. Now I don't print out very much at all anymore. I also just shredded a big stack of old printer checks from my side job. The bank account isn't even active anymore, but I still feel safer shredding. They were checks I couldn't use from years ago. My side job boss ordered checks to send to me and accidentally ordered checks for a dot matrix type printer (good god, are those still even used anymore? LOL). I put them in my box to be shredded "later" and "later" is finally now, haha. I'm getting there! I've filled up the shredder container 3 times this morning. All the paper stuff just got boxed up when we moved (both times) and then I just ignored it, stored away in a box or bin. I hate paperwork, LOL. The only paper I like is paper money!

I was thinking the other day, when I went to get my mail out of the mailbox, that it seems like now, the USPS pretty much exists to just mail junk mail, doesn't it? If business's ever figure out a better way to bombard us with junk mail, the USPS will probably die. I maybe get 2 pieces of actual mail a month. I have everything set up paperless. I rarely mail anything myself. Even when I had to ship a package, I usually just use UPS. DH usually walks down and gets the mail and then sets it on the kitchen bar countertop. Same day I look through what it is (usually just a couple pieces a day) and it immediately goes into the garbage. When we made our big move over here, we had boxes and boxes of paperwork from all the years dh was self employed. Everything that we could legally get rid of (past the IRS audit years) I took to an office supply store to be shredded. There was just too much. We tried starting to shred it ourselves and quickly burned out our shredder. It was quicker, easier and less cost (of buying a new shredder) to just pay to have it shredded.

Boss is off this week. Again, most of what I am dealing with on her behalf is just explaining processes and hand holding through them, LOL. I can handle that.


  1. I was just thinking 'shredder' thoughts this morning. It is good to get rid of boxes of paper stuff. Getting rid of nasty boxe, never mind the paper, is freeing to me.

  2. We get tons of junk mail here in France every day. I finally got around to putting a "no junk mail" sign on my mail box and it stopped thank goodness. Before I left retired I shredded as much personal stuff as I could at work and now it's not too bad keeping it at bay (although I did burn down the compost bin one time trying to burn personal mail)!

    1. A "no junk mail" sign - that's awesome! Does anyone know if we can do that here in the US? I highly doubt it, LOL. Plus I wouldn't trust a carrier to know which mail is junk and which is really not. When we lived in town and had to have a PO Box at the post office there was a big garbage can that it appeared most people just dropped their junk mail right into. That's what I did.

  3. My mother was receiving approximately 20 to 25 pieces of junk/political/charity mail from USPS almost EVERY day for a few years! It got so bad that she would just bundle up each day of mail and put the date on the top piece of mail. Upon visiting her and seeing that she could no longer keeping up with it, I knew I had to do something about it. And, being elderIy, she thought that she had to actually read each piece of mail. (No mother, you do not, just throw it away!) Part of the problem was she would send money to those charities/political mailings so of course she would be on all kinds of mail lists. I did a search and found out that you can put a stop on some solicitation mail by contacting the Data and Marketing Association ( It helps to be removed off of direct mailing lists you no longer want to be on. There is a small fee I believe of either 2 or 3 dollars to join. It took a few months, but it has extremely helped to stop so much mail. Now she only receives about 3 to 6 pieces or less a day now.
