Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The end of summer

Well, summer is over, I think. Last evening the sky turned dark, the loudest thunder I've ever heard, some lightning and tons of rain. It's still drizzling this morning and today high will be 30 degrees lower than yesterday. It's not even supposed to make 60 today.

The state's property tax rebate deposited into my bank account yesterday. $675. We are supposed to get this this year and next. I am under no illusions that this is/was just bait and switch by our governor and politicians. Trying to assuage us while on the flip side our property taxes are going to go way up. With this recent assessment period they have moved even farther towards shifting the tax burden to residential homeowners, while reducing the property tax burden to business property.

Last night dh said he felt like he was getting a sore throat. Then during the night he was up a couple of times and then said he thinks he's sick. His head was pounding and he felt nauseous.  Ugh. He's an absolute whiner when he's sick. He got the lawn mowed on Monday so at least he won't be feeling like he needs to do that in the next couple of days (plus it's raining anyway) so hopefully he will just rest and it will pass soon.

I need to do a Teams training meeting with my assistant guy here shortly, as soon as he messages me back. It shouldn't take too long and I have also written up some instructions he will be able to refer back to in doing this process that will be new to him. Not sure what is taking so long for him to respond back, LOL. I emailed him t an hour ago, that I would be ready to start the meeting in 30 minutes and then I emailed him again with the documents we will be working from and let him know I was ready.

DH just got up and of course is the sickest. I say what do you think it is? "Covid". So, I took his temp and it's normal. I'm sure it's not covid. If he was exposed to it, it would have had to be Sunday and I was exposed to the same people. I guess we'll see if I come down with something soon, too. I know I have a few old Covid tests in the drawer (what? like 2 years old now?), but are they even good anymore? Do these old tests even test for whatever variation is out now? Regardless, whatever he has he has to go through it.

Well goodness, still no reply from my assistant. I'll give him 5 more minutes and I'll ping him again.

I'm ready for this week to be over (noon on Friday) and not back to work until next Thursday.



  1. Tommy watered and said there is a breeze that is almost cool and it is still below 90. However, I have no delusion this is fall. Our heat will come back soon. I, too, feel like I am getting ill. It is my ears, nothing else.
    It is a shame that homeowners will be supporting the businesses.

  2. I think the effectiveness of the tests goes down by 50% after their date of expiry. I hope he does feel better soon, if anything he should sleep elsewhere so you don't get sick - I hope his mood improves though!

  3. I've checked my remaining covid test kits here and they're still valid till March 2024. They will probably give you an answer as to whether your dh has Covid. One or two people here in the UK have got it now - us oldies are being offered a booster this autumn.

  4. My dd just had Covid. She used one of the tests the government sent out and it was expired, and she tested positive. Fiy, she got it while in CA with her boyfriend and sister. Neither of them got sick from her, or whoever she got it from. All of them were vaccinated.


  5. COVID incubation is usually about 5 days from exposure. When we had it, the first tests we took were negative but then a few days later were positive. So just be cautious around him as he could pass it to you still….

  6. Today's high in south central KY is 80, but the next 10 days will be mid to upper 80's with a couple of days hitting just above 90. We're currently in "False Fall" according to a local meteorologist. lol They've listed the following:

    Hell's Front Porch
    False Fall
    Second Summer
    Actual Fall

    I hope you and your hubby stay healthy.

  7. some covid tests have extended expiration dates past what is listed (I think you can look it up on the CDC site), so they could still give you an answer. I know there are still some drug stores around me that give free tests with your health insurance. Covid seems to be ramping back up, I know my workplace has had 2 cases when we haven't had any for a year
