Friday, September 1, 2023

Waiting and wondering

So far so good. I'm still not sick, though it feels like I am just sitting here waiting for the hammer to drop on me. Dh is still the same. I just took his temperature, still around 100 or 101. It's the strangest thing. I have one of those digital thermometers (it's fairly new) that you point at your forehead. The left side of his forehead will read 100.7 and the right side will read 99.6 or something. Middle of the forehead another temp. He says the super headache is all on the left side of his head. I test the thermometer on different spots on my forehead and it's all within a close range, like 98.4 and 98.7. Or I'll do it in one spot on my head a couple of times and it's the same, and do dh in the same spot on his head and it's different. 

The bed upstairs is super comfortable, so I'm sleeping really good - no snoring to listen to, ha! Our other guest bed has a similar mattress, though I've never slept on it, it must be comfortable too, as after our friends stayed she texted me asking where I got the mattress and pillows, LOL.

The assessor had told me he would be by to look at our property in the afternoon, yesterday. Right after dh tested positive in the morning I did send him an email that my husband just tested positive for Covid and so I'm also likely exposed, so I didn't want to expose him. Well, he didn't see the email and dh happened to be in his den and saw him stop his truck out at the gate and get out so he called me downstairs. This was even before noon. I opened the front door as he was walking up the driveway and said hello and explained about the Covid, so he just stood back and I stood on the front patio and we chatted awhile. He's really nice, but we'll see what comes of it. He seemed to act like he's going to see what he can do to get our value lowered on both the house and land.

My office closes at noon today, for the holiday weekend, so that will be nice not to have to work all day. This morning I ordered some Covid test kits from Amazon. I figured the remaining test in the box I bought yesterday I will wait and use after dh starts feeling better and make sure he's negative. If he's still positive, of course will need more to test again and then if I get sick, I will want to test when I start feeling better to make sure it's negative. If I get sick I am not going to test to see if I have it, obviously I would.

Apparently the government has stopped issuing free Covid test kits, as of June. My insurance will also not reimburse for OTC test kits, but it is considered an HSA eligible expense, so I will be recording the cost towards that, at least. 

My mom ended up on a roll with calling me yesterday. After dinner she called again 3 more times, never realizing she had just called. The first call after dinner I answered, the next two I just let go to voicemail and each voicemail was pretty much the same. It's odd - I know she knows we are family, when we visit and if someone walks by us, she will either say "my family is here, or this is my daughter", but on the flip side I don't think she knows she's my mom. Isn't that weird?! When she calls me she will tell me who she is by her first name and if she leaves a message she will leave her first and last name. One time in a recent conversation she asked "so, I had you? oh, I don't remember that".


  1. my parents' anniversary was 8/17. My mom was very angry that my dad didn't call her. I told her that he is dead and she said, that is no excuse. Hmmm, seems like the best possible excuse to me.

    1. oh gosh! My mom hasn't mentioned my step dad - her husband of like 35 years, in like 2 years. I wonder now if she even remembers him now at all.

  2. I've been offline for a few days so hadn't realized you were sick. I hope you feel better soon!

  3. I am curious as to why you two are not taking an antiviral. It helped both of us.
    Your mother does not know she is confused, thankfully. At least she seems to have some memory of you, maybe only a memory of having seen you somewhere. I am glad she is happy.

    1. I called his dr office as soon as he tested positive to ask them what to do for him and the nurse said just do tylenol/advil for the fever and aches, rest, and lots of fluids....??
