Saturday, September 23, 2023

Simple Saturday

I made it through the work week. I pretty much only got the minimum done, due to my low energy. Hopefully next week will be better. Dh is getting his energy back more than me, but we both still have a little cough.

Yesterday afternoon I got an email from where my mom lives, that 3 residents have tested positive for Covid yesterday- but this is not in the memory care part, it's it their regular assisted/independent living area. But, I'm sure this is just the start of it spreading more there. The letter just said they were canceling "happy hour" that afternoon, but planned on keeping the activities on for the weekend. If any residents didn't want to go to the dining rooms, they could request their meals brought to their apartment. I don't know how many independent and assisted living residents they have, but it's a lot. It's a large place. My mom did call me yesterday morning and she was happy and doing well.

One more thing I want/need to take care of regarding my mom's accounts. I'm going to close out her checking and savings with Bank of America, that she has had forever. There is no BofA here, so she does have a checking with a local bank, after I moved her here. I left the BofA accounts open because she still had quite a bit in savings (and some checking) and her credit card was also tied to that account, so it was just easy to pay each month out of those funds. But, a year or so ago the credit card got reissued with a different company, so it's not tied to BofA anymore and there isn't enough money left in the accounts for her to qualify as "gold member" or whatever it is. Closing it out is just one less thing I have to keep track of. My name is also on the account, so it will be easy to get closed. I just need to do it and stop procrastinating (my middle name), LOL.

DD said they walked 23k steps yesterday and her legs are tired. I just messaged her (where it's afternoon now) and she said another 14k steps today. They are touring the Tower of London right now. Looks like decent weather. I see some blue sky in her pics.

No blue sky here still. It's not raining, but overcast and gray skies. According to the weather forecast we aren't going to be seeing the sun for the next week or so. 

I just ordered cat litter and cat food. I see from what I wrote down as the price I had paid before, cat litter is $2 more. I'm not sure on the food, I didn't write down my previous price, but I'm sure it's up, too. A 16 lb bag of food is $30. Geez - Petco is fast. A half hour after I placed my order I already got an email it's shipped and the tracking#.

I need to do some laundry today. Wash my clothes and wash the sheets again. Tomorrow I plan to get the chicken coop cleaned out. Big plans, LOL.

Oh, there is a little bit of sun coming out. Maybe dh will be able to mow the lawn today. After he did his fall fertilizing and then all the rain we've had this past week, it's ready to be mowed again, but it needs to dry out some first.

Well, I hear dh up and about. I can now go get in the shower and not wake him up bumbling around the bathroom.

1 comment:

  1. I got an email saying my subscribe and save items had gone down in price. Such a surprise! It is rather shocking to see anything at a lower price.
    My energy level is rock bottom. Even though I feel completely healed from covid, I still can barely move. Hopefully, your mother will not catch it.
