Friday, September 29, 2023

Yes, please take my $500!

Dh and I are going to go on a vacation. A real vacation! I may have mentioned last May, when our Texas friends were here, we discussed going on an Alaska Cruise together in 2024. Yesterday R texted me that she found a good deal on a 7 day cruise - are we still interested? I said YES! She called a little later with the details. Next September (which is when I wanted to go, too). We will have a room with an ocean view and balcony. She's excited, I'm excited, her dh, M, is excited (he's been on a couple cruises so he enjoys them) and dh will have fun, LOL. I didn't even ask him, I just went downstairs and said R found a good deal on a cruise to Alaska and we're booking it and going next Sept. He's like...oh...ok! haha.

The best part so far was she did all the work to decide which cruise and found the deal! That was awesome, because I would have spent hours and hours and more hours trying to look and decide. She was like "here's the plan" and I was like "perfect!" LOL. The sale was ending yesterday so when she called they put a 24 hour hold on the reservations and I had to put down a $500 deposit within 24 hours. Done. The balance won't have to be paid until next July, I guess. It's going to be so fun.

DH and I have never gone on many vacations. Firstly, because we never had the money and secondly, because we're content to be homebodies. And thirdly, he's really not the best vacationer - he worries too much about every little thing. Going with our friends (who have already been on an Alaskan Cruise about 5 years ago) will be a good way to vacation for him - he can just go along with what they plan and and they already know the ropes and he will be much more relaxed than inside his brain thinking he has to make all these decisions, LOL. 

R&M have been on a couple of cruises with another couple they are friends with, but R said the wife only wants to spend the whole cruise sitting at the pool in a lounge chair reading a book. All day. She doesn't even want to get off the ship at ports. I said, no - that's boring. I want to do ALL the stuff! Which made R happy. We will all have a good time together.


  1. That cruise and plans sound like a perfect way for you to go on a cruise. Now, you have a year to plan other important things, like what you will wear.

    1. I'm sure the year will go by very fast and yes, I'm glad to have time to plan for it.

  2. While a cruise wouldn't appeal to me I think it sounds wonderful for you to go with this couple who are already friends. Gives you something to look forward to, right?

    1. it's definitely good to have something fun to look forward to.

  3. Finally! A well deserved break, and enough time to figure out what Amos will do when you are gone.

    1. Yes I will have to figure out Amos. The friends we are traveling with have 2 cats. She just stocks them up on food, water and extra litter boxes and leaves them......

    2. Including travel you are gone for 10 days, I guess an extra box would help? My sister usually asks someone to look in on her cat!

    3. it will probabably only be 7 full days by himself. We'll likely drive over to dd's the day prior and stay the night at her place, but we'd be home part of the morning that day. We arrive back in port at 6am, so will likely just drive back home that day, arriving late afternoon

  4. How wonderful! I am sure you will have a great time. Alaska sounds awesome.

  5. We LOVED our Alaskan cruise! There are a ton of YouTube videos on What to Pack / What to Wear on them. Your September experience will likely be very different from ours in May. It was COLD! It sleeted on us one day.

    Take advantage of the shows on the boat each night. We had comedians, music, etc. It's also nice to have others with you. We were a group of 14.

    1. I'm already watching videos of what to pack/wear and videos of this particular ship. It's huge! I do want to see all the shows, too.
