Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A DAN update

Today is payroll processing day. So far it's going smoothly. I hope so because after yesterday my brain doesn't seem to be able to handle a lot of figuring out, LOL. I had to do our monthly state excise tax return for the company and I think it took me 3x as long to figure out. I was just not getting it and getting frustrated. My brain just didn't want to pull the right numbers and figure it all out.

DH is getting fall yard maintenance done. And it was time to order more of the stuff he uses. We were out of the bug spray he uses, mostly around the base of the outside of the buildings. It's a concentrate quart bottle and does last quite a long time. Then I had to order the annual 2 bags of casoron weed killer for the gravel areas. That crap is expensive! I hate ordering it, but it works and since I know we use it every year, it's in the budget. He also decided he wants a few more bags of the grub killer we tried earlier this summer. We got it at Lowe's, but neither of us feel like driving into the city. I checked to see if they would ship and they don't, but Home Depot has the same thing and they will ship for free, so I ordered a few bags from there. It's also time to flush the 2 tankless water heaters, which he uses vinegar to do, so I ordered 7 gallons of that to ship from Walmart. All of it should be here by the end of the week.

Ok, so an update on DAN. We cannot figure it out, haha, but I'm sure that's how he wants it. So, he and his wife were there most of Sunday, bumbling around on one of his pieces of equipment. Then yesterday the sanican company shows up and take the sanican away. He must not be planning any more "work" on the lots for now, then. Last week a pickup came in and parked in front of his lots for about 5-10 minutes and then left. Then yesterday after the sanican was picked up another work type pickup with a construction trailer behind it (it had a construction/builder's logo it) came and parked in front of his lots for 10 minutes or so and left. 

Wondering what all this means....we have different theories, but none quite make sense. Mind you, they still have not had a well dug now after owing these lots for 2 years. I said well, maybe now that his other house is back on the market, he's assuming it's going to sell and has contacted some builders to get quotes....but that doesn't make sense either, because you'd be here when they came - to walk the property (we did that with a couple of builders), figure things out, answer questions, etc. Neither of these guys in the work trucks even got out of their trucks.

DH thinks he's trying to sell the lots by contacting some developers/builders directly and they are just coming out to stop by and see where the property is/what the neighborhood is. He says for just that, they'd very likely not even get out of their trucks.

But anyway, with winter around the corner, there won't be anything more going on there for a good 6 months now, at least.

I can't even imagine trying to buy a house right now - with what the interest rates are! Unless you could pay cash for a house, I wouldn't even consider getting a mortgage right now. Nor would I consider selling and giving up my low mortgage rate. It's interesting times, to be sure.


  1. Why the F are you so concerned with what your neighbor or neighbor want-to-be does? Maybe you should mind your own business for a change and stop obsessing over DAN. Geez, we have enough problems in our own lives not to make what he does or doesn't do YOUR problem. Worry about your mom as she should be your priority not what DAN is doing or not now. Get a life! And we are all sick of hearing about your property tax issues. I'm sorry but I speak for many.....get a life.

    1. When did Sluggy become the new Cindi?

    2. That is a valid question.

    3. Meh, I enjoy hearing about it more than boring compared,it’s about litter and ancient ancestor tracings.

    4. Dear slugmama, It looks like you're having a bad day. I'm sorry for that. For whatever situation has made you lash out in your comment. You said, "I speak for many." Are you taking a poll? How "many" are you talking to on the regular about this blog? Maybe you need something else to do besides discuss this blog.

      You tell her to "get a life," but she is clearly sharing her life. This is her outlet to vent on the things that happen in her day to day. If that includes a potential neighbor, then so be it. And it is a big deal because of the way he has chosen to interact. The thought of having that particular individual as a neighbor is less than pleasant. We can all recognize that she's going through emotions with the knowledge that this could be what she has to deal with for years.

    5. Totally unnecessary reply from Sluggy. Just move along if you aren't interested in a topic of the day (as I do often on Sluggy's blog). But to leave such a mean & hateful comment? Sluggy, I think you owe One Family an apology.
      I know you are suffering right now - but to lash out like this is just wrong.

    6. what is this? where is me popcorn? you're right though. never seen people more obsessed with all their neighbors like this one and her dh. lol

    7. Anonymous - and yet you keep reading it LOL! Why is that? I'm genuinely curious, because I never keep reading blogs I don't enjoy reading.

    8. hello because it's funny. you are not really a mean person but such total obsession with neighbors is funny.I keep on wondering if you will realize how you're coming across. you never do. I had a nanny who used to call it Maco, pronounced mah-ko. every time I was nosy she said 'you are one big Maco', in a Jamaican accent. lol

    9. PS I don't agree with Sluggy about that tax thing. that is you minding YOUR business.

    10. So, you think us (and our other neighbors) were just supposed to ignore DAN and let him build a metal warehouse and operate a business and affect our values? You read to keep wondering if I will realize I'm obsessed with neighbors? LOL. I know exactly what I am writing about and how often. I really don't care if there are people out there who don't like it or find it annoying. I'm blogging for myself, not anyone else. Do you/have you blogged? try thinking of something to write about every day, when some days there's nothing going on except wondering what our neighbors are up to. Apparently we aren't the only neighbors obsessed. Every time dh chats outside with Mr. or Mrs Neighbor, dh never brings up DAN, yet almost every single time they bring him up, wondering what dh knows, anything new? what he's seen, etc. No one in this neighborhood trusts DAN or that he really plans to do the right thing, so hence we are all trying to keep an eye on it. We all have a stake in what ends up being built there. For us, at this point, it's mostly just curiosity (we should get some of your popcorn)- what the heck is he actually getting done over there and will he ever get it done? LOL.

      I try to blog most everyday because I found if I don't then it gets less and less that I would blog and I enjoy blogging, but most days sure aren't anything exciting to read about. Since it's my blog and my life I'm living every day, I'll write about whatever is going on that particular day. Some people enjoy it, some don't, but it's certainly nothing to be mean and nasty to someone about. I'm certainly not hurting anyone by posting my daily life.

    11. okay then. don't really wish to upset you. I just find that neighbor thing is a hilarious example of maco-ing. I can still hear my nanny's voice telling me 'maco our school work'. LOL

    12. okay then. don't really wish to upset you. I just find that neighbor thing is a hilarious example of maco-ing. I can still hear my nanny's voice telling me 'maco YOUR school work'. LOL

    13. okay. take care.

    14. Anon says they don't like reading about DAN, but reads it anyways! 🤔 People are SO weird. 😵‍💫

    15. it is odd - tell me I'm annoying while keep reading, LOL. I guess I never felt the need to state the obvious - that I post about DAN a lot....

  2. I can only imagine that sluggy feels so horrible with health issues that she is talking like this. She and all of us have things in our lives that make us crazy and make us wonder and complain.
    People told me I should adjust to the neighborhood when I complained about the yard full of dogs that bark all times of the day and night for HOURS, even still. No one complaining about my complaining made me stop. And, yes, I do still complain about to the city.
    Personally, I enjoy hearing about DAN and your tax problems. And, I am sure some people get sick of my sleep problems!
    People everywhere have to complain about others complaining. She is a nice person, just stressed about her health. Sorry!

    1. Is she nice, though? She complains on her blog, posts inane and excessive photos of trips, ridiculous “ancestry” and litter on the ground…., but then comes to someone else’s and tells her to “get a life”? Sounds like she’s just a pretty miserable person tbh.

    2. I gotta say when I first read it it was a bit speechless. Apparently I've triggered something with her. Oh well.

  3. I thought your husband's theory kinda makes sense. With any luck he will sell and you'll get somebody nice next door. Mind you, who buys land in winter either?

    1. it's hard to sell land when it's covered in snow. It's all just a mystery what he will be doing next!

  4. I enjoy your blog - ignore Sluggy. If people don’t want to read what you write they can move on.

    Sluggy you have had people be rude to you and you don’t like it. There is no reason to go to someone else’s blog and be nasty.


    1. Thank you! In the past I have made comments to rude people/trolls on Sluggy's blog, to support her.

  5. I love your blog and I try to read it every morning! I'm usually a day behind since you post during the day and I'm at work. You've clearly been doing this a while, your history goes back to 2010 on the sidebar there. So I do hope that you won't take one "Karen" comment to heart. I wish there was a word or name for Worse-than-a-Karen.

    Maybe PP is right and Sluggy is having a bad day/week/month. Grace for the first time. If it's a repeat thing, bless and block. :)

    I enjoy your updates on DAN, the assistant, work troubles, health issues, DD and her life, and well, just all the things. Keep on keeping on.

    1. Thank you, I have no plans to change what I've been doing, blogging about. Take it or leave it :)

  6. Yes, Sluggy is having a hard time right now. She wrote about it on her blog. Not sure why she thinks her troubles are more interesting reading than yours, but you both have a right to write about what you want without being criticized. Readers can just move on if they don't want to hear it. People just don't give others enough grace these days!

    1. It's one thing to get attacked by some anonymous troll, but it sure feels more personal when it's someone you "know" who they are and have respected them and their blog.

    2. I agree her comments are more hurtful because you, and most of us reading here know her. If it's any consolation to you, I really think this is more about the physical and emotional pain she's experiencing, rather than you and anything you could possibly write about. Her attack on you has changed the way I view her, NOT the way I view you. I do enjoy your blog and will continue to read it.

    3. Thank you (I almost missed your comment!). I appreciate the support and while I can definitely relate to the pain situation, I don't feel it gives anyone a pass to treat someone else rudely and with disrespect. It was disappointing to read her comment, that's for sure.

  7. Wow!
    Who is this Sluggy person?
    So judgemental. They should keep their comments to themselves.
    Busybodies are never busy. Just nosey & hateful & righteous &...

    1. You can click on her name above and it will take you to her blog "DON'T READ THIS; IT'S BORING". She has been blogging for a long time.

  8. Thank you for taking the time to reply :) I'm glad to know there are a few out there who enjoy reading.
