Sunday, September 24, 2023

Cat attack

Not a whole lot done yesterday, but enough. I got 2 loads of laundry done and the bed remade. My mom called, but she could not hear me. I had her hang up and I tried, but same thing. She must just have the handset upside down, is the only thing I can think. Later, after dinner she called me again and she could hear me fine and she is fine.

Amos was stalking me and attacking me all morning, LOL, so I caught a little of it on video. This morning he's being lovey, purring, and wants to be in my lap.

Dh and I both ended up taking a nap in the afternoon. He did not mow the lawn or do much of anything yesterday, LOL.

For dinner I made nachos. Not my favorite, but dh likes it every so often and something different to make. For the cheese I use the Frito Lay cheese dip sauce. It melts up easy in a small pan and pours over it all.

After dinner dh started watching a documentary on "The Big Burn", so I pulled up his guest chair (it's pretty comfortable, I sat in it an hour) and watched it with him on his computer. I knew a little of the history of it, from living here now, but it was informative. Back in 1910 3 million acres burned in Montana and Northern Idaho in a huge huge fire (well many fires that merged into one big fire).

This morning I managed to sleep in an extra hour than I usually wake up. I think I slept almost 11 hours last night as I went to bed just before 9pm.


  1. I am cracking up at Amos! 😁 He was full of himself, huh? Cats are the best!

  2. Who's stalking who? lol
    Amos is so pretty. Love his tail.
    Glad you are feeling better:)

    1. Right before I turned on the camera he had jumped out from under the table at me. He was coming up behind me and swatting at the back of my legs all morning.

  3. 'Tis likely it is the pending full moon that is altering Amos' shenanigans from attack mode to snuggle mode. I have one out of 4 cats, that has crazy shenanigans the week prior to, the night of, and a couple of days after, a full moon. Mostly aggressive (hissy and paw swatting) towards other 3 cats. The only male gets a little more dominating during the same period but not as bad. I can tell just about when the next full moon is expected, just by the way my cats personality changes. It's a week and a half of craziness. I'm always relieved when it's over. Ranee (MN)

    1. well that makes sense. I hadn't paid attention to the moon, but I'll have to start seeing if that changes him. I have read articles that it even affects people with dementia.

  4. I loved the aggressive tail action. Your floors are so shiny!

    1. He really gets that tail whipping when he sees a critter outside, LOL

  5. Amos seems too calm of a name for your spicy guy, LOL! That documentary sounds fascinating, that is quite the fire.

    1. Maybe when he gets older he'll be this chill dude that fits his name. One can hope ;)
