Saturday, September 30, 2023

September done

Yesterday I went ahead and accepted the change in valuation on our house with the assessor's office and closed out the appeal and will not pursue it further with the county appeal board. Still not happy that they didn't lower the land value any, but of course the fact that none of our neighbors appealed the same land value increase of 113%, doesn't help my case any. I did tell him well, considering the two that have homes, that are way undervalued compared to ours, it's not surprising they don't want to rock the boat by appealing. Anyway, it's done now and none of you ever have to hear about it in a future post again....well, at least for another 2 years, until the next assessment comes out 😜. I'm not making any promises. Never say never.

Nothing new to report except I think I should give DAN a new name: I'm changing it to "He who must not be named"....I'm scared to say DAN now, LOL. Maybe instead of DAN, I should have called him Voldemort. Oh, one more thought: and how's this for one of the last explanations I got on our neighborhood lots valuations. Lot 6 (also 2 acres) sold for $100k in Sept 2020. DAN paid $156k each for lot 5 and 6 a year later. The assessor said the reason they feel that lot 6 sold for less is because it has to share a well with lot if their lot isn't as valuable - why are they being assessed at the same value as all us other lots? That's not fair to them. It's all just a stupid, unfair tax and valuation system and I really think they just pull 90% of their answers out of their ass. 

The assessor did say that how they lowered our house value was they threw out the 3 comps in the other counties, 200 miles away, and just used the 2 comps in our county. Ya, no kidding. 

I cannot for the life of me figure out why I have so much trouble commenting on other "Blogger" blogs! I'm signed in to Blogger. I can click on Linda's blog and comment as me almost every time. I click on T'Pol or Treaders blogs and then it says I'm not signed in. I sign in and it takes me back to my dashboard page. I try to go back to their blog and I'm not signed in again. Every so often, after 3 or 4 tries, it finally signs me in, but usually I end up giving up before then. It's frustrating. I want to comment and not anonymously. Then I just tried to add a comment to T'Pol as anonymous and it said "an error occurred". Geez, I can't even leave a comment that way. So, just know I was trying to comment that I'm glad you had a good time on your trip!

My boss called at the end of the day yesterday. She wanted to let me know they have decided to do some layoff's that will happen on Monday. Five people are getting laid off. Not good news. My friend who visited us last year just found out her (very large) company is going to be laying off like 2000 people (they operate in more than one state) and she still has no idea if she might be one of them. She works remotely. This is starting to remind me of 2008. Are you hearing of layoffs?


  1. I can’t comment on blogs either. Sometimes they let me do it anonymously, other times I just get an error message. It’s been going on for at least 6 months off and on.


    1. I think/hope I may have just fixed it. I read that it was my "3rd party cookies weren't enabled", so I checked and they are enabled (I use Firefox) but I did go in cookies "exceptions" and add as always allowed and suddenly I was signed in and could comment on others blogs.

    2. Ok, I did that. Let’s see if it works lol.

    3. Yay!! I’ve been unable to comment on so many for months. Never knew how to fix it.

  2. In regards to your boss calling about the layoffs - I can only hope that lazy liar-pants of an assistant that she's been letting scrape by all this time is one of those getting laid off. LOL. Reading about that guy and how he's been scamming you guys for paid hours/work he's lying about has been driving me nuts! :)

    As for comments (I rarely comment - I'm usually in a rush and barely have time to even read) I can't/won't comment on blogs that only allow you to sign in with Google or Wordpress, or only with your official blogger profile. I like my name/url option. :)

  3. I am able to comment on some blogs and not others.
    I would dearly like to comment on Practical Parsimony and was able to - in the dim distant past - but no more, in spite of trying everything!
    I've given up wondering why Blogger does what it does!

  4. Yellow Shoes,
    Maybe other bloggers have solved the problem. See above. I have trouble some days, some days not. Drives me crazy. Not sure why I cannot comment on Lorraines, the painted rocks lady.
    I think I would be ready for the next two year assessment by talking to neighbors to appeal also.
    Maybe the kid will just be fired. He needs it.

  5. The company I'm contracted for right now has been laying people off in the hundreds every few months. But then turns around and posts a job app for the open position immediately. I'm worried because I am a contract worker and would be the first in line if my location was hit. So far the site I work at has been spared, so hopefully it stays that way.

    1. that's a terrible feeling to not know for sure. Why are they laying off and then immediately posting an opening? that makes no sense
