Friday, September 15, 2023


I check on DAN's listing for his house, in the other state, often, to now see if it goes back on the market. He took it off mid July. Well, it's back on now - back at the same highest price he originally set it at when it was first listed 2years ago. Huh? LOL. We had really thought maybe he took it off in order to do a little landscaping (as there is none, it looks like an industrial gravel yard) but nope, it all looks the same, other than most everything is out of the house now. He did show up out here yesterday for about an hour, but other than just turning on one of his pieces of equipment, he didn't do anything. Probably so the batteries don't die, is my guess.

We did get a notice from the property assessor in the mail of the reduction decision they made to our buildings value (a reduction of $127,000) but that they are not adjusting the land value. That's frustrating and I haven't decided yet whether to keep appealing the land value or not. At this point it would go to the county appeal board for review/decision. I told dh my guess that the reason they stuck with the land value is because none of our neighbors appealed their (same) values. Part of me is just tired of dealing with it (probably just tired from Covid) and accept this amount. I am ready to be over it, that's for sure.

There was an article dh found yesterday about our state's property taxes and our governor's house in Helena (that he purchased in 2020). His property tax actually is going down - imagine that. 6000 square foot very nice house, in Helena, is valued at less than my house out in a tiny town in a tiny county of 4200 people. Just makes you want to throw up at the corruptness of it all. Rules for thee, but not for me at it's finest.

I'm stuck at feeling the same all week. A cough and tired. Every day is the same this week. I'm glad it's Friday, but I'm not feeling very optimistic that I'll start feeling better, more rested, with the weekend. At least I will have Monday off, too.

I need to get housecleaning done, so I'm hoping I feel like doing some this weekend. 


  1. I don't know how the system works in Montana; here in the UK the Council Tax we pay on our homes is based on the number of bedrooms, on whether we have outside taps, and a few other details.
    Council tax pays for the county"s vital services like schools, libraries and rubbish collection.

    1. Sorry, that loaded before I finished!
      So property assessment sounds like Council Tax. Well done for persevering and I'm just sorry you didn't get the result you were hoping for. x

    2. the state assesses a value based on what they consider the "market value" of a home/property. Where were live we get very little services for our taxes paid. Mostly it goes to the schools in the 3 small towns in our county and to run the county gov't offices. We get very little road maintenance. Fire protection is minimal/volunteer fire dept and we'd be lucky to have them arrive from town before our house would burn down, yet we pay for fire service. We have a handful of sheriff deputies in a county 1200 sq miles, so if the ones on duty are on one end of the county it could take almost an hour for them to get to the other end of the county. We don't have a library and we pay a private company ($60 a month) to pick up our garbage can once a week. Let's just say we don't get $6,000 a year worth of services, LOL. I'm sure it will be at least $8,000 a year once the tax bills get figured out and sent out.

  2. Consider getting the others to object, too. You could even help them word their protests. It will be money left in your pocket and their. I wonder where DAN has gone.
    My covid is down to coughing and just feeling wiped out. I hate this feeling.

    1. the other property owners apparently did not appeal. We have 30 days to appeal from when they send out the assessment notices at the end of June. It's too late for them to try to appeal now.
