Thursday, September 28, 2023

Breaking the blogging "rules"

As I get ready to make a new post, I have to chuckle, as I hypothetically (and tongue in cheek) wonder what are the rules for blogging? I must have missed the blogger training rules years ago ;)   What exactly am I allowed or supposed to talk about? Am I allowed to complain about anything or maybe it's just that it's ok to complain once and only once and never to mention it again? Is there a list of what topics are ok to include in my blog posts? Who decides? Is there some secret blogger society I don't know about that is in charge? Do they meet and discuss blogs and decide "everyone" is sick of hearing about something someone posts? LOL.

Is it my responsibility to only have content that a particular person, or group of people, like and want to read about? It is my responsibility to provide them with their entertainment and what they want to read about and make sure they aren't annoyed? I never thought it was. I mean, it's not like these people who read are paying me to read something they want. I never considered that someone who is not paying for my house, my bills, my property taxes, my life, would think they have a say in how I feel about it or how much I decide to write about it on my blog.

For me, my blog has always kind of just been a daily diary. That a few people actually end up reading it (and still read it!), and the other wonderful bloggers I've gotten to know over the years is just a bonus. I enjoy when there are comments and replying back and try to reply to everyone's comments. It was never and still isn't my intention to have some blog that my goal is to appeal to everyone and get lots of followers. I just write about whatever is going through my head that day or going on with my surroundings. Good, bad, boring, otherwise. To me most of it seems pretty mundane and not too interesting. No more or less interesting than the other blogs I read. I don't too often skip blogging days, because years ago I found if I did that, it ended up skipping a few more and it's just easier for me to try to stay in a daily routine, even though some days not a whole heck of a lot is going on.

Someone commented yesterday they've been waiting to see if I ever realize how obsessed I am with DAN. I replied yes. I am the one writing about him/the situation and I know when and what I say, haha. The thing is....I just. don't. care! and come to find out Mr and Mrs Neighbor are just as "obsessed" as we are with what he doing/plans to do. I have lots of faults that I am fully aware of! I didn't realize I needed to state the obvious.

For some reason both dh and I have cut way down on online purchases. We still order the regular supplies and stuff we need to use and take care of our place, but that's been about all that we've been ordering for months now. I can't even blame it on having Covid and being too sick to order stuff (though that was a "benefit" of Covid, I guess, LOL), as we've been not ordering for months now. I'll get online with Amazon to look at my order history or dh will ask "are you expecting UPS today?" and I look (because sometimes I can't remember if I ordered something) and see that I haven't even ordered anything from Amazon in like a month! Our UPS guy used to come here a few times a week. DH knows him well, LOL. Now we hardly ever see him. He did finally deliver some cat food and cat litter yesterday that I ordered. DH chatted with him awhile, they had lots to catch up on, haha. 

I think we must both kind of be to the point we now have most of our little wants out of the way. Other than some bigger ticket items (for the bonus room, to be finished some day) I think I pretty much have what I need for the house now. It's pretty much fully decorated now (I'm slow, only took me 4 years, LOL). The only thing I find myself telling myself "NO!" is more Christmas decor....but so far so good - other than the $5 I spent on some with Temu. It's nice that both of us have cut down, finally.

I did have to place an order for dh for lawn tractor and lawn mower maintenance kits today. When he is done with every season he cleans them up, changes the oil and spark plugs, etc. It's that time of year again. DH wasn't too happy that it costs $140 for the kits (for both) but that's the cheapest he could find them. Mr Neighbor just takes his into the lawn tractor service place. I'm glad dh knows how to do that stuff himself. It does save money. Last month Mr asked dh what he uses for the lawn fertilizer, where to get it and how often. They've always paid TruGreen or some company, but their lawn hasn't looked as good this year and he wants to try it himself. Dh even recommended the best type of lawn spreader to get. I'm sure this will save them quite a bit, which I'm sure is helpful now that Mrs. is retired. 

DD and SIL are very much enjoying their trip. The first 5 days, in London, they walked 50 miles in 5 days, just seeing as much as they could. Now they are spending a few days on the Isle of Skye and it looks very peaceful and beautiful. Then I think the next stop is Inverness. They have a rental car for Scotland. One of the days next week they plan to go see the town of Huntly, which is where my paternal grandfather was from (and all the generations before him). His father emigrated in early 1900's to Montana and his wife and 4 year old son (my grandpa) came over a few years later.  They flew up to Scotland on Tuesday afternoon and spent the first night in Edinburgh before going to the Isle of Skye yesterday. SIL said when he was checking them out of the hotel the desk guy asked him his name, so he said it. SIL's first name is Mexican and his last name is Irish, LOL. I guess the Scottish desk clerk got a big kick out of his name and said that is a great name! and kept repeating it. LOL. DH and I were trying to imagine how his name sounds in a Scottish accent, haha.

After lunch today I have a quarterly update phone call meeting with mom's investment guy. The stock market sure has looked crummy the past couple of weeks. I read because the fed said they are going to raise the interest rate again. 

It's been pretty rainy here this week. It's kind of a refreshing change, especially the cooled down temps. I like in the morning how the fog hangs around the tops of the mountains all around us. DH will be able to finish emptying out and throwing away some of the flower pots we aren't keeping. The garbage can was too full to get all of them taken care of, but it will be empty today. Some of the annuals, that are getting the rain are still hanging on, but the ones that are hanging under the front patio or in front of the garage and shop (between the doors) are under the overhang died. When we got Covid - I gave up worrying about getting those watered. It was Sept and I just didn't care that week I was so sick with it.

I'm trying to decide when I should go visit my mom again. Now there are 7 covid cases (still not in the memory care part yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time). The main part of the place is huge, I'm sure there are probably 200 or more apartments, so 7 isn't a large percentage of everyone that lives there. I haven't taken another test (I took at like 10 or 11 days and was still positive) but of course will take another test before I would visit. But, just thinking for now to stay away for a bit longer. She's doing fine and I'm talking to her nearly every day and she's very content and doing well. Plus, her place is very good about keeping in contact if anything is wrong.

Well, it's almost 8am and time to log in to work for the day.


  1. Who cares if there is a society, it's just all so silly - and reflects more on the person who can get so riled up about someone else's thoughts. I will never understand. I have been reading for years, I have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog but have enjoyed what you share. It is normal and not for show and I appreciate that so much. Not sure how so many have gotten to a place where they can't just have feelings and then move on, sighhhhh.

    1. I think the best thing I have gotten out of all this is all the people that apparently read but have never commented before. I've always thought there is something good that can come out of every situation and thank you for taking the time to read and comment today!

  2. I have never commented but have read for quite a while. I enjoy reading about your everyday life and just thought it was a diary. You do you, I will continue to read. Cheryl J

    1. thank you so much for the nice feedback, I appreciate it.

  3. Yellow Shoes

    Dh’s godfather lived in an old caravan in a field on The Isle of Skye and I’m glad to say we took a trip up there to see him while he was still alive - it really is a beautiful place.

    1. I'm really enjoying all their pictures. Yesterday they took a nice (but windy) hike on the island.

  4. Your blog is my favorite. Active, personal, much like blogging originally was in the early 2000's with Livejournal and such around. I miss when blogs were personal and not people trying to find a niche to cash in out. Monetizing blogs and racing to followers really killed off a lot of great blogs, especially in the PF world. I've been reading since before your DD graduated high school I believe! I've been through a few blogs in that time myself, always end up deleting because I cannot commit to daily writing like I use to.

    1. Thank you so much :) I honestly never thought I'd be able to stick with it, but after all these years it's just become a daily habit. When I first started blogging I was very interested in PF and read so many PF and frugality blogs.

  5. I love reading your blog, but I’ve never commented before. There are about 30 blogs that I follow - and yours is one of my favorites. Reading blogs and not interacting - sometimes I think it’s weird to do that, lol. To me, it’s kinda like reading short chapters in a book. I did recently comment on Sluggy’s blog for the first time - just to say I was enjoying reading about her Great Western Roadtrip. And I am also fascinated by DAN, lol. My mother had Alzheimer’s, my dad had dementia, so I can relate and empathize with a lot of the things you’ve written about your mom. I imagine there are many of us out here who enjoy reading what you write, even if we don’t comment. Thank you for sharing your diary with us.

    1. thank you very much for taking the time to comment and make me smile this morning. I think it will be very interesting to find out what DAN ends up doing - he sure keeps us all wondering.

  6. Well, I for one AM interested in what DAN will end up doing with his lots! And for sure I'd be watching him like a hawk if he was going to be trying to bypass regulations on what he can/can't build there. No way in hell would I want someone putting in a business next door with all kinds of noisy equipment coming & going! So please keep updating us! We are building a new home out of state in an active adult 55+ community & my hubby is already worrying about getting asshole neighbors! lol Someone with an constantly barking dog, or who are just inconsiderate (music, etc.). I said we'll deal with it if it happens. But you really just never know in these communities - and the houses are much closer (than what you are in your area). But having an HOA does help ensure Joe Hillbilly doesn't start collecting junk cars & putting them up on blocks with his old gas cans strewn all about. I'd rather go with the stricter HOA to keep the community looking attractive.

    I agree with you staying away from your mom for a bit longer & to be sure to test before going back in - I am the same way with my older parents who live in a similar large independent living/assisted living residence. Just not something these older people can deal with if they catch it - you realize now how hard it was on you - can you even imagine an elderly person having it? So thankful you are being cautious.

    Glad DD & hubby are having a great trip! They may as well do it now before they have a family (if they go that route) or while they are young & healthy! When will they start building their new home? Can't wait to hear all about that, too!

    1. Thanks for commenting! Sometimes dh and I say we should have went with our original plan, lots of acres w/no one near, but that's a lot to take care of and we aren't getting younger. I think they would like to start building next spring/summer. Lots of permits required for their area, even to cut down their own trees, so they are in that process.

  7. I’ve read your blog for a while now, but I think this is my first time commenting.. just wanted to say I like your blog! And I totally get your worries about your next door neighbor.. ours was a beautiful family, until the house was sold and bought for mostly an Airbnb.. and now we never how the next weekend will be! Best of luck to you with both your neighbor and your Mom.. R in NY

    1. Awww...that would be awful to have vacationers there every weekend. One time Mr&Mrs DIL said when they inherit their house it would make a great AirBnB. DH and I just looked at each other in horror. But, I'm hoping with our covenants saying you can't operate a business that would squelch that plan.

  8. Some days, I would have welcomed an HOA at my old house since it was frowned upon to murder the neighbors. lol I cannot imagine walking so many miles as dd and sil. Tommy's father took Tommy and his brother to Scotland when he was in hs. It is all so interesting. Your care for your mother is touching. I cannot imagine your blog any other way. I became a reader when I found you and you were dealing with druggie neighbors. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you Linda - I appreciate your long time reading and always look forward to your comments :)
