Tuesday, April 30, 2024

I'm as slow as my internet this morning

The first frustrating thing this morning is the internet was slow again. AARGHH! I was so not in the mood, so I just powered through it and about 4 hours later it's working fine again. I figured it would, since whatever it is is so intermittent and obviously their "fix" didn't fix it. Rather than spend and hour or two restarting and unplugging and restarting and being on the phone, I just let it run it's course and now it's back to normal.

Then I got an email from SiriusXM that my 1 year $6/mo promo is ending and my new billing starting in May will be $24/mo. No thank you. I got online to cancel/maybe revise if there was a good offer. I clicked on cancel and it offered me $14/mo. No thank you, so I had to click on "chat to cancel". They immediately offered to extend the $6/mo for another year. Ok, perfect. Plus I didn't have to talk to anyone, LOL. At least they sent an email notifying of it, rather than me forgetting the year was up and then just seeing the increased bill on my cc charge.

I also called and made a vet appointment for Amos's annual check up and vaccine he needs. Next Thursday afternoon, so I will have to take a few hours off work. I must say, that the past few weeks I have been much better about making phone calls. Not sure why. Usually I avoid using the phone, if at all possible (text or email) and if I do have to, I push it out as long as I possibly can. I think every other subscription service I have/had doesn't notify you the promo period is up. I always try to remember to mark my outlook calendar on the date, but apparently I didn't on this one.

I've been having the worst time getting my blog post done in the mornings lately. I need to get on the ball. It's 2pm. I haven't figured out what I am making for dinner tonight.  Maybe french toast and try out my new (huge!) bottle of real maple syrup from Costco. I hope syrup lasts a long time, because that's a lot! LOL


  1. What on earth could be wrong with your internet?
    I do that with things going up, just cancel. It usually brings the price right back down.
    Since I don't need maple syrup often, it takes me a year to use a small bottle from the store. But, I love it. How large was your bottle?

  2. One of the good things about hubby retiring? I am still in charge of making the vet appointments but I always schedule them on my work days so that hubby has to take the 4 leggers to the vet, haha. Terry aka Busted & Disgusted

  3. One of the worst lies I tell myself is, "I'll remember to do that." I put things in my calendar for everything!

  4. I also have to mark it on the kitchen calendar or it gets forgotten.
    Even going to another room to get a pen has me forgetting what I was going to write down or getting distracted by something else!
    Thank goodness I've retired - I wouldn't hire me!
