Thursday, April 25, 2024


Trigger warning (for those of you, who for whatever reason, read my blog, but don't like what I post, LOL) - this is a post about DAN. It's a quite good and interesting update! 

He's listed the 2 lots for sale!!!!!!!!!!!

Not much other details on it yet. The whole past week doesn't make a whole lot of sense to any of us. Last Thursday he had a sanican delivered. That told us he's back to getting the property ready for a building site. But, we also know his house (he has 2 houses, one in another state and one here, in town, where they live full time now) in the other state still has not sold yet. Sometime Saturday the No Trespassing signs were removed. Tuesday he and wife showed up for about 4 hours and took down a tree, but didn't finish it. They were gone by mid afternoon.

Yesterday morning Mr. Neighbor emails us and the other neighbors with an email titled "yeehaww!" He said the county attorney (who he is good friends with) called and told him the lots are up for sale and have for sale signs. Apparently the current owners are upset they can't build a big shop. DH walked out to our street and yep, there is a for sale sign, with a realty co from the city.

Then later morning DAN and wife showed up again with his equipment in tow and proceeded to take down another tree. They maybe spent 3 hours here. Why? Why go through all that work if you are selling? Very strange. Honestly, what he needs to do is go back to that house he's been trying to sell for 2 1/2 years and put some damn landscaping in! I'm guessing that is a big part of why it is not selling (for the price he expects). This is in a very nice neighborhood of homes on like 1.5 acre lots with water view and his is the only house that has zero landscaping. It's just an acre and a half of gravel with a house sitting on it. He doesn't even have a paved driveway. This community has an HOA. I can't believe that the covenants wouldn't have required him to at least put in a paved driveway.

There is nothing showing up as a listing yet, to see how much he is asking. While I know what the previous owner was asking, due to my property tax appeal, I now also know what DAN paid for each lot (our state does not publish sell prices). My hunch is that he's going to ask for some ridiculous price (as he has for 2 1/2 years with his house for sale). The only thing I can come up with, as to why they would keep taking trees down and doing work on the land, is they are still hoping their house might sell, and then if it does, they can then keep the lots and still build. We're also not sure if he managed to get the 2 lots combined into one lot. That day a year or so ago, when that surveyor knocked on our door (to ask if he could come on our property and measure where our well is to the property line) he told dh this is what DAN was trying to accomplish. The state property website does not indicate this was done, but they don't update super fast. But, you'd think it would be quite the process, as it would change the short plat of this subdivision by having the 2 lots combined into one 4 acre lot.

In other news I also called Social Security to follow up on my mom's final payment. Similar deal, listen to a long recording, go through the prompts and then have to leave a call back number. About half hour later I get a call back. Again, listen to the long recording before it then rings on to the rep, only no rep came on. I kept holding and after about 30 seconds I was then asked to do a satisfaction survey of my call. Good grief! So, I call back again, go through the whole process of leaving my number and wait another 30 minutes for someone to call me. This time I got to talk to someone. He did confirm that they did get my revised/corrected form on 4/4 and it shouldn't take more than 45 days to process, so if I haven't heard anything or gotten the payment by 5/19, to call back.

I'll probably have to file her 2024 tax return next year and still won't have this years IRS refund. 


  1. It would be nice if it was platted to one larger lot, wouldn't it. Lots here are going the other way in spite of the rural-agricultural 5 acre moratorium. Grrrrrr. Anyway, whoo hooo. Whoo hoo indeed!

    1. it would be nice, just for the fact that then, it would just have one house/neighbor, instead of potentially 2 houses, if the lots are bought separately. Honestly, none of us really have an issue with having the lots built on, we just expect the owners to follow the 3 basic covenants that are in place.

  2. Fingers crossed 🤞

  3. I was hoping he would do this!! It is time for DD and DSIL to relocate, LOL! I kid I kid. But I am so glad it's up for sale.

    1. Believe me, we joke the same with DD and DSIL, LOL :)

  4. Maybe he is cutting the trees to spite the neighbors. I think your husband or someone mention not cutting trees. Can't remember exactly what. However, four treeless acres is not much of a draw to buy his land.
    He seems like the type who would bull his way in and around people and HOAs to not conform. You are lucky he is not building near you. He would rule the roost.

    1. He's only cut down a few trees last year and like 2 so far this week. The lots are half covered in trees, so it's not even noticeable at this point. DH did, upon first meeting them mention the group of trees at the front corner of his lot, next to our corner, and thankfully he hasn't touched any of those yet. Yes, you are right - he thinks he rules the roost, that's for sure.
