Thursday, April 11, 2024

More of the same

The brown hen was definitely better yesterday, not 100%, but much better. Later morning I gave her a another warm soak. Around noon we ran into town so I picked up some epsom salt and gave her a soak in that after dinner. When I set her down in the coop she did walk over to the food and ate a few pellets. I was really hoping she'd follow the other hen up into the coop when it got dark, but no, she went back under, in the corner, so I had to scooch her out gently with the end of an old broom and I put her up inside the roosting area. I just went out and peeked inside and they are both ok. It's still a bit early for them to come out. I also ordered some stuff from Amazon called Recover 911, for chickens. I guess add it to their water and supposed to help relieve stress, rehydrate, etc. It's supposed to be here today w/2 days shipping. Most of our Amazon stuff comes via the US mail now, so at least I know it will be here later morning and not late afternoon/eve, like with UPS.

Then Amos was worrying me all night. He was still outside when I went to bed. As the weather has gotten warmer and the days longer, he has started doing this more often. Dh is good about checking to see if he's at the door to come in. This cat always sleeps next to me, for at least part of the night. And he ALWAYS is doing his best to wake me up starting anywhere from 6-6:30am. At some point after I went to bed and fell asleep, I did wake up and hear dh on the phone and I thought I heard him let the cat in and a meow. Then I woke up again around 11:45 with no cat next to me. At a minimum he would have come in, sat next to me for 2 minutes and left. I got up to ask dh if the cat came in and he said ya, he's in the chair in my den. Then I woke up at 6:45 this morning and still no Amos. Where/what is this cat doing? I got up for the day and about the time I'm to the kitchen he comes walking out of the laundry room. Stopping and stretching, like he just got up. Weird, LOL.

My eyeglasses still have not come in. I got a recorded call from Costco yesterday afternoon and was like yes! this is a call for these glasses, but no it was just another "reminder" that my first pair of my 2 pair order is in, ready to be picked up. Disappointing. I really want/need to go and get groceries by the end of this week and hoped to combine the trips. I do have to go in Monday for 2 appointments - mammogram and annual well check visit, but didn't want to have to add on a Costco visit and getting groceries, all in the same trip. Makes for a long day in the city and then a 45 min drive home.

Oh, and dh ate my donut yesterday! How rude! LOL. When I ran into the store, I always check to see if they have any maple bars. They did not (it was noon, after all) but they did have a few chocolate covered bars left and he will eat that, too, and that is what I like, so I got 2. If there are maple bars I will get him 2, but since it was just the chocolate kind, I just got one for each of us. We get home and I set the bag on the counter and run upstairs to take care of an email real quick and come back down and the donuts are gone. He ate both. He said oh! well, you usually get me 2, so I thought you already took yours and these 2 were mine. Man, I was bummed, LOL. I was really looking forward to that donut, haha. I think I was mad at him the rest of the day, haha.

At least yesterday and the rest of this week will be a bit quieter work-wise. My boss is on vacation, LOL. Much less emails! I am ready for the week to be over, that's for sure.


  1. I thought it was mine are fighting words!!!

  2. I certainly don't remember giving a hen a soak. Well, yes, I did before Fancy died. But, I was also giving her an inside exam to see if something was stuck in cloaca. But, that was the only hen soak. I do remember buying something to put in her water, but forgot what.
    Fancy suffered a long slow death, she was so swollen she could barely walk.
    Maybe the cat does not need your warmth since it is getting warmer.
    Oh, eating all is bad. Tommy has eaten my last thing but never the only one I had. Next time, hide it.

  3. I hope the hen is better today. I would have been mad about the donut too, you could at least ask, lol.
