Thursday, April 4, 2024

Rain and coffee

Good morning. It's rainy again here today. Maybe snow on Saturday. These new eye drops I am using are great. I put some in at bedtime and then just put some in when I got up this morning.  Someone asked in a comment yesterday what kind and I replied, but thought others may want to know the name. It's Optase Dry Eye Intense. Kind of pricey at $24, but has 300 drops in a bottle, so it should last me several months, using 2x a day. Plus, I can claim it on my HSA. I'm used that price, with the Muro 128 ointment I've been using the past several years now.

I always turn up the heat upstairs when I get up, but I guess I forgot this morning and I've been sitting here at my desk for awhile, wondering why I am still cold, LOL. I can adjust it from my phone, which is handy.

I did end up making chicken quesadilla's for dinner last night. Quick and easy. I think tonight will be breakfast for dinner and make french toast. I was looking around in my pantry and realized I still had a half full large can of the coffee I was using before I tried Folgers Black Silk. Well, I guess I should at least try to use some of this up. Plus I hadn't tried it since I started using the yummy from heaven white chocolate sauce. It was good as well, so I will try to get this coffee used up and then go back to using the Black Silk coffee. 

Speaking of coffee - with the cat going outside a lot now, he seems to want to do his business at the base of a shrub we have just outside the laundry room door/front of our house. DH has noticed the dirt getting dug up around it. While it's been really nice that he's hardly using his litterbox inside at all, dh doesn't like him digging up around this plant. I was looking online to see if there is some sort of cat repellent spray (there is) but also read, among several things, they don't like the smell of coffee grounds, so I've been saving my little bit of grounds and sprinkling around the dirt there. DH said he saw him walk up to the area yesterday and then leave, so maybe that will work.

Warning: I'm about to mention property taxes again. A whole lot of property owners in our state just got an additional property tax bill. Ours is an extra $192 to pay. Back when the taxes were being assessed and counties doing their budgets, a bunch of the counties decided to "protest" to the state and reduced the state school mills tax they are required to remit to the state. The governor sued the counties and won. There sure must be a lot of people who don't pay attention to what is going on, because even with all the news about it and the letters going out with this new bill, people are like "what is this?!".  We have an election this year for governor and it will be interesting to see if Gianforte wins again. I am a conservative Republican, but cannot stand this guy. I think I would honestly vote for the Democrat candidate before I'd vote for him again. But, I've gotten to the point where I think all politicians are scum, so.........

I'm warmed up now. And hungry for some breakfast. 


  1. Amos showing love to your garden I see, lol!!!

  2. Sun isn't out today, but if it was, I am CERTAIN it would be rising in the west....I DESPISE the Young Earth Pushing, Creationist Teaching Gay Marriage denying Gianforte. Aside from his social policies, he is rapidly degrading the natural beauty of that state with his deregulation/push to development. There's LOTS of money to be made doing that as yiy know full well from your time in the Sound, but you also know the fallout. So, basically, Gianforte is doing exactly what happened/is happening jere vis a vis population shift/development...but banging a Bible and trying to persecute the LGBTQ community while he's at it
    Anyway, that's my take. He sucks.

    1. Yes, he sucks. And you are spot on with his push for all his (out of state) friends are buying it up, getting rich. He's also oversaw the largest property tax increase in our state's history. I just look at him and see "swamp"

  3. That should read "here vis a vis " not spellcheck is!

  4. Gianforte is awful. I’m curious to see how this property tax stuff shakes up this election. Paid attention to Matt Rosendale? Omg that guys nuts. I’m so glad he’s not running for reelection. Danes kinda flies under the radar but he’s from out of state too, as is Zinke. Why are we represented by nothing but rich out of state people-the root of the problems here. Tester was born and raised here, and a decent guy. Very conservative for a democrat. The guy running against him is another rich out of stater. Even my Dh, who leans Republican, supports Tester.

    My additional property tax is manageable. These counties were nuts to protest that. I wonder how much that cost us to go to court. So many of the radical laws the last legislature passed have been thrown out by the Supreme Court. That costs money, and we pay for those legal fees. I don’t understand people that don’t pay attention to what is going on in their state.


  5. I thought of a Gianforte story you can stew over lol. My dd has worked for the state for years. During the last administration she was part of a team from all over the state working on a new software program for her department. Needless to say this was a long and very expensive software upgrade. They were finished with it and running test cases to check for bugs etc. in walks Gianforte and one of the very first things he did was totally scrap that project and fire the company. He then hired a company he owns major stock in and they started from scratch. This cost the millions and millions of dollars. Flash ahead to now and they finally finished developing the second software and are testing it. My dd is once again on the development team and she say’s basically nothing changed. It’s still doing the same stuff. Dd refers to this as Gianforte being a male dog peeing all over stuff to mark his territory. He’s such an arrogant jerk I believe that’s exactly right.


    1. I am so not surprised. That's his M.O. from everything I read and hear. He's getting himself and his buddies that contributed to his campaign rich. He's swapping out land deals with fed and state land, so now his buddies can buy up the land.

    2. He’s gotten rid of so many longtime state employees that had been around through many administrations, from both parties. He’s replaced many of them with totally incompetent people that share his vision. Morale in state government is very low because of all the turmoil he has caused. Firing people that have worked their way up, and are well respected, and replacing them with idiots has a way of doing that.


  6. Anyone with any common sense in either party that dares to put their constituents first, don't last long. It's pet projects with no accountability, or nepotism, or getting rich friends richer. I lean very left social policy wise, and believe anyone working full time should be able to afford the basics of life minimally, but I've had it with democrats nearly as much as most Republicans in office. Throwing money with no systemic change is only vote pandering.

    1. 100% agreed. Even right down to our small county local politics. It's just crazy and disgusting. We have a guy running to represent our district in the state legislature. He's a total carpetbagger, while he pretends to spout out catch words like "constitution" and "freedom". Only moved here a little over a year ago...why? because he tried TWICE to run where he lived in another state and didn't win, so he moved here and now is here to save us. Makes me want to puke.
