Friday, April 19, 2024

Trying again today

Well, the new modem and router was a big flop. I'm not exactly sure why. Our internet "stuff" is out in an access panel in the garage. The new set up is a separate modem and router. I was on the phone standing in from of the access panel with the stuff, while dh was doing the plugging in as instructed by the tech guy on the phone. We get the 2 devices plugged in and the tech is saying it looks improved already - the signal strength is now showing 12 (they like it to be at least 10) and before it was 9. something. Then suddenly he says oh, now it's not working very well. He puts me on hold a minute. Comes back and says he's going to have to have a field tech come out and work on it/fix it.  So, now a guy is coming like 8:15 or 8:30 this morning to work on it. Keeping my fingers crossed. If it's the same tech guy we've had out here when were were first building and setting up (first to use internet in the shop while living there and then the house, when it got done) I won't be impressed. He seemed like a flake and we'd be like this is what we need/want, but you could tell he was telling us it couldn't be set up that way, just because he didn't want to take the time to actually do it that way. We'll see. It's been a good 4 years since he was out here, maybe it's someone else working there in that job, by now. But around here, people tend to stay in their jobs.

I finally got the notification yesterday afternoon that my glasses are in. I'm going to go into Costco tomorrow morning when they open. Last time we were there and bought some stuff, I totally forgot I had that $40 Costco shop certificate I got for signing up for membership. I do need milk, for sure. DH has been having cereal a lot this week, so the milk is going much faster than usual. I might grab one of their rotisserie chickens to try. We've also about eaten our bag of Reeses dipped animal crackers, might need to pick up another one of those, LOL.

It looks like DAN will be back again, puttering with his equipment on his land. He had a sanican delivered again yesterday. Oh fun.

Well, the technician should be here soon. I'll likely add an update to this once I have internet back up and running.

UPDATE: Well, that internet issue was a pretty fast and easy fix. After all that, it turns out it was a fuse out at the phone company's equipment, like out on the street. The new modem and router is hooked up and so far everything is working fine. It was the field tech guy, as always, LOL. But, this time it was me talking/working with him on our set up, not dh, so of course it was fine, haha. I have no idea why dh would have been the one to talk with him before when he was here (like 4 or 5 years ago) - dh knows zero about computer tech stuff, so of course he wasn't impressed with the guy. Now, I'm just waiting on the ethernet switch I ordered, so we can hardwire dh's den computer, instead of running off wifi. The tech guy also took the time to figure out one of my questions with the old router/modem set up. I said I know where this and this cord is coming from, but I have no idea what this one is. It was blue. He wasn't sure either. Then I said, in our entryway closet is a blue cord coming out of the wall above the shelf. I think originally the electricians were going to put our modem/router there, but then changed it to this access panel in the garage. So, he tested it, and sure enough the stupid blue cable that was plugged into the back of the router/modem was coming from that closet, doing absolutely nothing.


  1. Maybe the tech has been so useless that he has been replaced whether he wanted to leave that job or not. I had two techie friends that I no longer have access to now. I miss them.

    1. Maybe he was new back then and still learning. He did fine today, but he does have an odd demeanor, LOL

    2. So, blue cable in house was dead, needed replacing? Did it ever work? I had a blue cable when I had desk top computer. How odd demeaner? So, this has been a problem for how long?

    3. the blue wire was plugged into the back of the router and the other end was coming out in the closet, plugged into nothing. The spotty, slow internet has been happening intermittently for 3-4 weeks. The tech guy just give off a vibe that we're all stupid
