Saturday, April 13, 2024

Stupid internet

What a totally frustrating day yesterday, with the internet issue. After doing all the restarts, unplugging the modem/router, unplugging the google wifi pucks, everything, it would not speed up. I barely had internet at all. I couldn't even get connected to work, due to it being so slow. I then called our telephone company, which provides the internet. I called at 10:30am and spent 40 minutes on the phone with a tech guy. At the end of the call, what he was seeing from the diagnostics on his end, is that my modem/router was being unstable. It would work then not work, so he had to escalate my ticket and am now waiting for a call back from a different tech person. In the meantime, about an hour and a half after I got off the phone with him, the internet just started working fine again. For no reason. And worked fine, with no issues the rest of the day and is fine this morning.

I was thinking it was maybe the google wifi system that needs replaced, but I am not spending $400 (twice what it cost me 5 years ago) if that isn't the true problem. Not to mention this router/modem supplied by the telephone company is at least 7 years old. We brought it with us from our house in town. You'd think that would need upgrading/replaced at some point. I feel like they should try replacing that, before I spend $400 and then not fix the problem.

I was exhausted by the time I got off the phone with the guy. Our modem/router is out in the garage, in an electrical type panel in the wall. My computer is the only device hardwired to it, all the other devices run off wifi. So, he was asking me a question on something I'd have to check on my computer upstairs in my office, then ask me a question where I had to go back down to the garage to look at the modem/router. Up and down, up and down. 

I also realized, awhile back, that my computer (supplied by work) does not have a wifi card in it! It has to be hardwired to a modem. That's dumb. You'd think nowadays it would be a common feature in every computer. I know our IT ordered and set up this computer for me. I have had it like 4 years now, but when it comes time for a new one, I will make sure to tell them I also want wifi capability, as well. With the crappy internet I experienced yesterday, I could have set up a hotspot with my phone and at least worked off that until the issue was fixed. 

I called Costco again to check on my glasses and she said they are still not in. I asked if she had an idea of when they might get in, as it's been 2 weeks now. Turns out the lab had an issue with their machine that does anti-reflective coating and that is holding up. She said they didn't ship out yet, so it won't be Saturday(today) either. 

GRRR - we need groceries, so I decided we'll go in this morning. Stop at Costco first and get the 3 pair that are in. At least dh will have his new glasses and then go to walmart and pick up our order. I have to go back on Monday morning for my mammogram and annual dr visit, so maybe my glasses will be in by then and I can get them. 

So, dh is up and we are getting ready to get to Costco when they open at 9:30. I am really hoping it's not crowded so we can have a bit of time to look around after getting our glasses. Hey, at least I'll have sunglasses to wear/try out!


  1. I hate to have internet problems. Slow internet is reminiscent of having dial up.
    Have you ever had antireflective coating? It is a pain and comes off, at least on all mine. It seems you should not have to suffer so long for the company's problem. Maybe they will give you a discount for the two trips you are having to make.

    1. I've never had any problems with my lenses, thankfully. I doubt Costco would give a discount. They said it could take up to 2 weeks (Friday was 2 weeks) and I didn't have to make 2 trips, I could have waited until the last pair was in.

  2. Slow or non-existent internet cuts into the day so much now doesn't it?
    I know a lot of people talk about going "off grid" and finding inner peace but I would hate it if I couldn't WhatApp my family members.
    None of my children have landlines anymore.

    1. My dd doesn't have a landline either. The only reason we have one is dh still wants it, plus to get internet here, we have to have it with a landline "package" so might as well use what I am paying for.

  3. My work computer also doesn't have a wifi card, so silly. In our move to VA I took the office option that isn't hardwired and Amazon saved the day. I ordered a USB Wifi adapter and it works magically. Plugs into my computer and then connects to wifi - not ideal but it provides a great solution and was less than $25. Not sure if the link will copy over, but this is what I got...
