Friday, April 5, 2024

Rainy Friday

I got slammed with work emails yesterday morning, all requests for me to create invoices for work our service dept had done. On top of that my boss was also emailing invoice requests on old orders that appeared to have gotten missed (only one missed by me, the rest I never even got the request). I joked in a message to her "wow - this must be "send One all your invoice requests day". She replied with a laugh and said why, yes it is! They had a meeting yesterday and she said they were all told to get these done -we are losing money when they don't!

Now that dh (and I) aren't so tired from doing all that work on the loft ceiling and lighting, we got back into playing pool the last couple of nights. I am just totally sucking at it! I keep joking wait until I can get my new glasses and can see better! haha.

I see it's Friday again. Still raining. When it rains we end up with tons of big worms all over the driveway, LOL. So, yesterday dh scooped a bunch up onto a shovel and we tossed them into the chicken coop. Gross. LOL. They didn't last long :)

My auto insurance is due, so I need to get online today and get that paid. It for the 6 months. I was remembering the days, like back when I first started blogging, where I had to do the monthly, more costly payment plan, because I didn't have the full amount at once. And putting the full 6 months bill on a cc, with high interest wouldn't have saved anything either. I'm am glad I am not in that position any more. Plus, I'll get at least 2% cashback, since I use my Paypal cc. I think I'm going to get back 3%, though since my auto insurance had a paypal link to pay and usually when I got that route (vs just entering my cc#) I get 3% instead of 2%.

I have been putting all my cash backs, my little bit of blogging income, into my paypal "Cruise" savings fund and now have $537. I really have no idea how much extra I'll need/want for the cruise, but of course we will end up with an extra bill when it's all said and done. I'm just going to keep socking the money in there until the cruise in Sept and if I have some left over, then great. If not, well at least I saved for it ahead of time.

It looks like it's time for me to do a mini desk clean up. The right side of my l-shaped desk is getting cluttered with papers again. I'm about half using my stenopad and half my half sheets of scrap paper. Still not 100% with just the steno pad. I had so many just random bits of numbers (like PO#'s) to jot down, that I still tend to grab a piece of scrap paper. I'm getting there, though. Once I get my auto insurance paid, that is a couple pieces of paper than can get off my desk and into the garbage can.

Time for me to run back downstairs and get my breakfast. I keep hearing this faint thumping noise, kind of sounds like when you hear bass music that is far away. Wonder what it is from. 


  1. Its a great idea to tuck those little earnings aside for some joy. I'm doing the same for hopefully something once knee is done, and I'm feeling agile. Your memory of needing to pay in smaller increments is a good example of how being "poorer" is expensive. Not having extra to stock up on good sales, buying cheaper items of poor quality that have to be replaced more often, not being able to get washing machine fixed or replaced so using expensive laundry mat plus gas to get there, and so many other examples. Most of us have been there too at some point in our life- I sure have. You've done so well coming to where you are now.

  2. I remember having to pay by the month, too, for insurance. Now, I don't thankfully. My bit of savings outside of the bank is the bit I earn on Amazon from ordering. This is often more than the half-price fee for the service, money saved with free ordering. That is what I used to buy my deer last Christmas.
